Unusual And Funny Finds And Restaurants (18 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 26 Feb, 2024  |
  • Views: 894  |
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This restaurant doesn't take reservations, but it does take...:

1 Unusual And Funny Finds And Restaurants (18 pics)

This restaurant came up with a genius way to ensure they popped up first on Google searches:

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3 Unusual And Funny Finds And Restaurants (18 pics)

This restaurant has its waiters wear T-shirts with one-star reviews of the place on them:

4 Unusual And Funny Finds And Restaurants (18 pics)

And this restaurant reserved a table for a group of retired buddies who eat there every day with THIS sign:

5 Unusual And Funny Finds And Restaurants (18 pics)

And this restaurant in Spain puts a giant teddy bear at every table so their patrons never want for company:

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This Japanese restaurant has a waxwork samurai standing at one of the urinals in the bathroom:

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And this German one has a soccer game in their urinal:

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And this restaurant draws little masterpieces like this on their to-go boxes:

9 Unusual And Funny Finds And Restaurants (18 pics)

This chicken joint moved into an old Cricket Wireless store and adapted their sign for themselves:

10 Unusual And Funny Finds And Restaurants (18 pics)

And this Mexican restaurant moved into an old KFC building and did some adapting of its own:

11 Unusual And Funny Finds And Restaurants (18 pics)

This restaurant closed down for a few days...to take their employees to Vegas?!?!?!:

12 Unusual And Funny Finds And Restaurants (18 pics)

And this restaurant's bathroom stall — blech! — has a disposal bin for "soiled underoos":

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This very high-maintenance cafe has a lot (and I mean a LOT) of rules about what you can't do there:

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And this restaurant prints their menu on business cards and business cards only:

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This restaurant's instructions for what to do when the toilet won't flush could win the Pulitzer Prize for Literature:

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And this restaurant — for reasons only they can explain — includes their account balance on each receipt:

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This restaurant has got to be a fave of Gen X'ers thanks to this painting on the wall of Matt Foley...living in a van...DOWN BY THE RIVER:

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