Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 20 Feb, 2024  |
  • Views: 1773  |
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1 Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

"My son was so excited to build in his tempered glass PC case he saved on his own for….."

2 Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

"Well now I can't get to work."

3 Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

"Someone put their laundry in with mine… can’t tell who’s is who’s. Anyone seen my bra?"

4 Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

"I had just gotten my savings to $500"

5 Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

"Construction trapped us in the office."

6 Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

"My car started on fire on my commute to school."

7 Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

8 Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

"Girlfriend's iPhone got stolen, 3 Hours later it's 114 kilometers away."

9 Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

"Car got towed the day after I left town for a week and a half. Had to pay $1,640 to get it back"

10 Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

"A man punched out my rear windshield this morning because I honked back at him after he honked at me."

11 Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

"I cleaned all my car's windows while pumping gas. When I put the squeegee back, a dirty diaper rose to the top of the cleaning solution."

12 Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

"A hungry rat breaks into a bank ATM in India and eat $18,000 worth of cash."

13 Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

"I opened my safe to get my car's title, but found out my small safe got water inside; $2K and Passport is moldy."

14 Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

"black bike is mine. white back came later and locked my bike with their lock."

15 Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

"How my 70$ bottle of foundation arrived"

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