Time Changes Everything (24 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 30 Jan, 2024  |
  • Views: 1308  |
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1 Time Changes Everything (24 pics)

Worn vs well Samsung TV remote control.

2 Time Changes Everything (24 pics)

The floor of this supermarket.

3 Time Changes Everything (24 pics)

This worn out key vs a fresh cut one for the same vehicle.

4 Time Changes Everything (24 pics)

New Irwin screwdriver vs one that was used at work for 5+ years.

5 Time Changes Everything (24 pics)

This home theater seating.

6 Time Changes Everything (24 pics)

Grandma’s favorite wooden spatula, not broken.

7 Time Changes Everything (24 pics)

Just got some backup skates to take over for my well worn pair - running out of steel on the old (top) pair.

8 Time Changes Everything (24 pics)

Mice, 8 years apart.

9 Time Changes Everything (24 pics)

The door handles at my workplace. You can tell which one is the main door.

10 Time Changes Everything (24 pics)

My new prosthetic foot shell versus the one I walked on for two years.

11 Time Changes Everything (24 pics)

4 years of use of a clear iPod case.

12 Time Changes Everything (24 pics)

Good boi.

13 Time Changes Everything (24 pics)

My kid's favorite stuffed animal vs its new replacement.

14 Time Changes Everything (24 pics)

The left joystick of my Nintendo Switch compared to the right one.

15 Time Changes Everything (24 pics)

Old vs new work boots.

16 Time Changes Everything (24 pics)

My old and new LEGO keychain. Had the old one (left) since 2018.

17 Time Changes Everything (24 pics)

My budget Dell keyboard after 500hrs of Apex Legends.

18 Time Changes Everything (24 pics)

My watchband of around 3 years finally broke.

19 Time Changes Everything (24 pics)

20 Time Changes Everything (24 pics)

20 years of play wear on a quartersawn maple guitar neck.

21 Time Changes Everything (24 pics)

Winnie the Pooh baby blanket: 21 years of use vs 0.

22 Time Changes Everything (24 pics)

7 year old keychain vs new.

23 Time Changes Everything (24 pics)

Drywall under card swipe at my child's daycare.

24 Time Changes Everything (24 pics)

Brand new cap vs 10 years old.

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