Terrible Designs (21 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 24 Jan, 2024  |
  • Views: 682  |
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At the risk of sounding phony

1 Terrible Designs (21 pics)

“My wife wanted to make a pillow for the car that looked like Simon’s Cat, but this is what she made.”

2 Terrible Designs (21 pics)

Once upon a time at an intersection

3 Terrible Designs (21 pics)

“A knitting friend told me she thought these were really impressive.”

4 Terrible Designs (21 pics)

“Well, I’m not sure...”

5 Terrible Designs (21 pics)

Just a happy elephant

6 Terrible Designs (21 pics)

This looks like an ordinary USB flash drive...

7 Terrible Designs (21 pics)

...but it’s actually a shovel!

8 Terrible Designs (21 pics)


9 Terrible Designs (21 pics)

What do you think?

10 Terrible Designs (21 pics)

“Fish slippers that my grandma sent my sister.”

11 Terrible Designs (21 pics)

Liam “Nissan”

12 Terrible Designs (21 pics)

Adidas stool

13 Terrible Designs (21 pics)

At least you don’t need a driver’s license...

14 Terrible Designs (21 pics)

Nice apartment design

15 Terrible Designs (21 pics)

“Awful taste but great execution.”

16 Terrible Designs (21 pics)

For those who can’t choose between sneakers and boots:

17 Terrible Designs (21 pics)

“I would smack his head to try and save his life.”

18 Terrible Designs (21 pics)


19 Terrible Designs (21 pics)

“My wife was bored and decided to do something creative.”

20 Terrible Designs (21 pics)

“Next on Ridiculously Impractical Nails!”

21 Terrible Designs (21 pics)


№1 Author: EngineerAl (24 Jan 2024 19:44) Total user comments: 428

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#1 "That didn't age well."
#10 Worst pool slide ever.

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