Annoying Situations (16 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 18 Jan, 2024  |
  • Views: 1957  |
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"The bar trivia 'correct' answers are blatantly wrong."

1 Annoying Situations (16 pics)

"This woman’s charger in my row during a 6+-hour red eye flight."

2 Annoying Situations (16 pics)

"One number away from winning $10,000,000."

3 Annoying Situations (16 pics)

"The hotel manager decided to come into my room while I was still in there to paint the door (that didn’t even need painting in my opinion)."

4 Annoying Situations (16 pics)

"My dad has a handicap placard and walks with a limp post-hip surgery. He just received this note on his car."

5 Annoying Situations (16 pics)

"Our physics exams were accidentally thrown out."

6 Annoying Situations (16 pics)

"My company's holidays in 2023 vs. 2024."

7 Annoying Situations (16 pics)

"People rendering the concept of reusable cups useless."

8 Annoying Situations (16 pics)

"This is how the luggage containing my PlayStation arrived."

9 Annoying Situations (16 pics)

"The way my toast was cut at a restaurant this morning."

10 Annoying Situations (16 pics)

"My teenager eats all the skin off the rotisserie chicken."

11 Annoying Situations (16 pics)

12 Annoying Situations (16 pics)

"Came home to find access to my garage completely inaccessible."

13 Annoying Situations (16 pics)

"This local real estate 'investor' is mad that I told him I didn’t have time to speak when he showed up unannounced."

14 Annoying Situations (16 pics)

"I got a sandwich from the convenience store and opened it to put some chili flakes on..."

15 Annoying Situations (16 pics)

And finally, "This family brought their own personal 'service bell' to summon the pool attendant for food orders."

16 Annoying Situations (16 pics)


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