Cool And Useful Designs (20 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 18 Jan, 2024  |
  • Views: 1997  |
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"Help Desk at Trans World Airlines in Idlewild Airport, 1958."

1 Cool And Useful Designs (20 pics)

"Turns out I’m a fan of 19th century drainpipes now…"

2 Cool And Useful Designs (20 pics)

3 Cool And Useful Designs (20 pics)

"They made the old escalators into a feature when upgrading to new ones."

4 Cool And Useful Designs (20 pics)

"It doesn't matter how you read it, it all makes sense"

5 Cool And Useful Designs (20 pics)

6 Cool And Useful Designs (20 pics)

"Staircase designed by Leonardo da Vinci, 1516"

7 Cool And Useful Designs (20 pics)

8 Cool And Useful Designs (20 pics)

9 Cool And Useful Designs (20 pics)

10 Cool And Useful Designs (20 pics)

11 Cool And Useful Designs (20 pics)

"This record player by sony"

12 Cool And Useful Designs (20 pics)

13 Cool And Useful Designs (20 pics)

14 Cool And Useful Designs (20 pics)

15 Cool And Useful Designs (20 pics)

"Land Rover - Passport Stamps - 2011"

16 Cool And Useful Designs (20 pics)

"This hour glass with the traffic lights"

17 Cool And Useful Designs (20 pics)

18 Cool And Useful Designs (20 pics)

19 Cool And Useful Designs (20 pics)

20 Cool And Useful Designs (20 pics)


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