Creepy Photos And Finds (19 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 17 Jan, 2024  |
  • Views: 1521  |
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This cursed can of Chef Boyardee:

1 Creepy Photos And Finds (19 pics)

This animatronic Christmas tree named "Woody" in Nova Scotia:

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This CCTV footage of someone running on all fours at 3 a.m.:

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This car that was parked at someone's job:

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This person's extremely terrifying Christmas decoration:

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This modern day Christmas nativity scene:

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This spot of meat embedded in an egg:

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This video of everyone filming the ball drop in Paris on New Years:

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This arrangement of pumpkins that illustrates how dilated the cervix gets during childbirth:

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This extremely threatening sink:

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This octopus wrapping its tentacles around a camera:

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This Tickle Me Elmo without its fur on:

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This haunting hair salon sign:

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