Bad Days Happen (17 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 12 Jan, 2024  |
  • Views: 2957  |
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1 Bad Days Happen (17 pics)

"I hit a pothole on my way to work this morning."

2 Bad Days Happen (17 pics)

"Update from yesterday, we are definitely not getting out for a few days"

3 Bad Days Happen (17 pics)

"Teenager got a gift card for Christmas and this is how he scratched the pin."

4 Bad Days Happen (17 pics)

"I was at the park and some kid asked his mom if I was Santa Claus. I'm 47."

5 Bad Days Happen (17 pics)

"Passing a kidneystone on my first day of work in the bathroom before our safety meeting where I had to meet everyone. 4mm stone passed after 5 weeks from first sign."

6 Bad Days Happen (17 pics)


7 Bad Days Happen (17 pics)

"Tried melting cheese on my chicken patties inside my air fryer."

8 Bad Days Happen (17 pics)


9 Bad Days Happen (17 pics)

"Crashed my brand new car under 40k miles last week"

10 Bad Days Happen (17 pics)

"Almost made it all the way home safely."

11 Bad Days Happen (17 pics)

"Are burritos getting smaller?"

12 Bad Days Happen (17 pics)

"I accidentally spilled Tinga in my new car."

13 Bad Days Happen (17 pics)

Happy New Year.

14 Bad Days Happen (17 pics)

"Stayed at the Hamilton specifically bc it advertised Hot Breakfast. The chef didn't show up and there's nothing for my family to eat."

15 Bad Days Happen (17 pics)

"Dropped one of my wireless earbuds on the train tracks all of 10 minutes into the 3 hour trip."

16 Bad Days Happen (17 pics)

"Got off work to no road home."

17 Bad Days Happen (17 pics)

"Starting the new year with a collapsed lung. At least it should all be uphill from here"

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