Useful Inventions From Different Countries (25 pics)

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  • 10 Jan, 2024  |
  • Views: 2587  |
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"Public Air Shower In Tokyo To Blow Pollen Off Hay Fever Sufferers"

1 Useful Inventions From Different Countries (25 pics)

"Australian Company Introduces Glow-In-The-Dark Highway Paint Technology"

2 Useful Inventions From Different Countries (25 pics)

"UK Supermarket Has A Tag You Can Add For Carts With Wonky Wheels"

3 Useful Inventions From Different Countries (25 pics)

"In Singapore, Elderly Pedestrians Can Tap Their Identity Card To Have More Time At The Pedestrian Crossing"

4 Useful Inventions From Different Countries (25 pics)

"Swiping the card at a sensor gives its holder an extra 3 to 13 seconds to walk across, depending on the size of the crossing."

"Traffic Light With A Shining Pole In Moscow, Russia"

5 Useful Inventions From Different Countries (25 pics)

"There Is A Swing Made For Wheelchairs At This Park In Mexico"

6 Useful Inventions From Different Countries (25 pics)

"This Car Park In France Has Soft Barriers Between Parking Spaces To Stop People Scratching Other Cars"

7 Useful Inventions From Different Countries (25 pics)

"Japanese Government Sends Individuals Quarantining At Home Free Care Packages! Shown Is For 1 Person (Me) In Tokyo"

8 Useful Inventions From Different Countries (25 pics)

"My Australian Tax Return Shows Where My Money Went"

9 Useful Inventions From Different Countries (25 pics)

"Cool Bike Repair Equipment On A Bike Path (Canada)"

10 Useful Inventions From Different Countries (25 pics)

"Lights To Silently Get Your Waiter's Attention In Maastricht, Netherlands"

11 Useful Inventions From Different Countries (25 pics)

"Sewer Cover In Osaka, Japan"

12 Useful Inventions From Different Countries (25 pics)

"This Stall For Your Dog Outside A Super Market In Copenhagen!"

13 Useful Inventions From Different Countries (25 pics)

"No petting, no taunting, no questionable treats, perfect! Just don't plan to spend the night there yourself. A writer for The Outline tried a similar booth and apparently they have cameras/sensors watching and the company will fine people who get in."

"This Burger King In Norway Has A Apot For You To Empty Your Sodas In Before You Throw The Cup Away"

14 Useful Inventions From Different Countries (25 pics)

"This Toilet Flushes By Using Your Foot"

15 Useful Inventions From Different Countries (25 pics)

"This mechanism is located in a toilet in Mexico and you don't have to be a germaphobe to appreciate it. Unsanitary public toilets can lead to gut infections, lung and skin infections as well as STDs. If a stool doesn't look clean but you really need to use it, consider using tissue paper to open its door, using the toilet seat cover, and if there isn’t one, cleaning the toilet seat with a tissue paper before using it or even hovering closely above the toilet."

"UPS In Italy Uses These "Bicycle Trucks" To Deliver Packages To Places In Narrow Streets Of Rome"

16 Useful Inventions From Different Countries (25 pics)

"Supermarket Trolleys In Sweden Have A Map Of The Supermarket"

17 Useful Inventions From Different Countries (25 pics)

"It's about time we got something like this. Rick Paulas of the Pacific Standard has compared the current design of many grocery stores to casinos. "There are lights and sounds that re-focus attention every micro-second, carpet on the ground to offer cushion for our feet, an open-flow space from the slot machines to the poker tables to the roulette. But what's more important is what's not there: clocks on the wall, bathrooms, escape routes. The reason is obvious — can't spend money if you're not present—and they point toward why supermarkets attempted to get their customers lost.""

"Train Seats In Japan Facing Outwards So You Can See The Scenery"

18 Useful Inventions From Different Countries (25 pics)

"The Trains In Japan Have Women-Only Cars"

19 Useful Inventions From Different Countries (25 pics)

"This Carousel In Hong Kong Has A Sea Turtle Mounted To The Floor For Disabled Children"

20 Useful Inventions From Different Countries (25 pics)

"This Ice Lolly I Bought In Korea Has A Little Tray To Prevent It From Melting All Over Your Hands"

21 Useful Inventions From Different Countries (25 pics)

"This Bill In Turkey Tells You How Much Each Person Would Need To Pay If You Split It Equally"

22 Useful Inventions From Different Countries (25 pics)

"They Have Pet Carts In Grocery Stores In Italy"

23 Useful Inventions From Different Countries (25 pics)

"This Pizza Box In Japan That Has A Handle In The Middle To Keep The Pizza Flat"

24 Useful Inventions From Different Countries (25 pics)

"These Two Different Sets Of Shopping Baskets At A Department Store In Bangkok - For Those That Need Help Or Want To Be Left Alone"

25 Useful Inventions From Different Countries (25 pics)


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