Interesting And Unexpected Finds (20 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 4 Jan, 2024  |
  • Views: 2182  |
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"Metal obelisk found in the middle of the woods"

1 Interesting And Unexpected Finds (20 pics)

"My grandpa gave me a can of oxygen for Christmas"

2 Interesting And Unexpected Finds (20 pics)

"My cheap bread knife broke and had a paring knife cut out of the tang"

3 Interesting And Unexpected Finds (20 pics)

"The “American Selection” at an Irish Supermarket"

4 Interesting And Unexpected Finds (20 pics)

"In China they have women only parking spaces that are made bigger"

5 Interesting And Unexpected Finds (20 pics)

"The storage pantry in my Italian-American parent’s home"

6 Interesting And Unexpected Finds (20 pics)

"Itemised employee health insurance on my bill in the US"

7 Interesting And Unexpected Finds (20 pics)

"The bay leaf inside my pâté was actually plastic with a leaf pattern printed on it"

8 Interesting And Unexpected Finds (20 pics)

"Low flow pee assistance crutch"

9 Interesting And Unexpected Finds (20 pics)

"Samsung dishwasher rack turned green overnight"

10 Interesting And Unexpected Finds (20 pics)

"Highlighter ink only stays fresh for about 2 months"

11 Interesting And Unexpected Finds (20 pics)

"Just had a three-way tie at exactly 99 points on Ticket to Ride"

12 Interesting And Unexpected Finds (20 pics)

"A pencil sharpener on a bench handle in a public park in Melbourne, Australia"

13 Interesting And Unexpected Finds (20 pics)

"This ATM has a palm vein scanner"

14 Interesting And Unexpected Finds (20 pics)

15 Interesting And Unexpected Finds (20 pics)

"Some, but not all, of my currency fluoresces under a UV light"

16 Interesting And Unexpected Finds (20 pics)

"These striped eggs I took from my free range chickens"

17 Interesting And Unexpected Finds (20 pics)

"The audio guide in the Louvre is a Nintendo 3DS"

18 Interesting And Unexpected Finds (20 pics)

"Parents new house has conjoined stairs"

19 Interesting And Unexpected Finds (20 pics)

"The potato I cut had a mushroom growing inside"

20 Interesting And Unexpected Finds (20 pics)


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