Unusual Finds (20 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 26 Dec, 2023  |
  • Views: 1481  |
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This knife company that felt the need to clarify that they're located on Earth.

1 Unusual Finds (20 pics)

This lens flare that looks exactly like Eric Cartman from South Park.

2 Unusual Finds (20 pics)

This cat with opposable thumbs.

3 Unusual Finds (20 pics)

This hermit crab that turned a Sprite cap into its shell.

4 Unusual Finds (20 pics)

This vending machine that accidentally dispensed everything at the same time.

5 Unusual Finds (20 pics)

This pink grasshopper.

6 Unusual Finds (20 pics)

This phone case that blends in perfectly with the faux-wood surface it's on.

7 Unusual Finds (20 pics)

These three girls wearing the same color shirt, with the same color hair, sitting in the same row of class.

8 Unusual Finds (20 pics)

This car with all the bumper stickers of failed presidential candidates.

9 Unusual Finds (20 pics)

This dog that has tan lines where her harness goes.

10 Unusual Finds (20 pics)

This woman who let her dog off-leash, but not her kid.

11 Unusual Finds (20 pics)

This van, disguised as a fancy sports car.

12 Unusual Finds (20 pics)

This bus stop that looks kinda haunted due to some weird condensation.

13 Unusual Finds (20 pics)

This gigantic sweet potato that someone found randomly growing out the side of their house.

14 Unusual Finds (20 pics)

This frog with an extra leg coming out of its stomach.

15 Unusual Finds (20 pics)

This bra with little hands in it to cup the breasts.

16 Unusual Finds (20 pics)

This long-ass grape.

17 Unusual Finds (20 pics)

...and these big blueberries.

18 Unusual Finds (20 pics)

This tree that looks a little too much like broccoli.

19 Unusual Finds (20 pics)

And finally, this professor who writes "E" three different ways — in one word.

20 Unusual Finds (20 pics)


№1 Author: NPC-305 (28 Dec 2023 01:55) Total user comments: 340

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#1: Well, Spyderco just has a sense of humour

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