Generous Pets (19 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 15 Dec, 2023  |
  • Views: 930  |
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“My dog, Aspen always grabs things out of the pantry and brings them to us with this face.”

1 Generous Pets (19 pics)

“Our pupper has been bringing us eggs every day that she steals from some wild chickens.”

2 Generous Pets (19 pics)

“The neighbor’s cat brings me jalapeños from my garden.”

3 Generous Pets (19 pics)

“This is Zoey’s pillow. If she likes you, she’ll bring you the pillow. You can’t touch it, but you can look.”

4 Generous Pets (19 pics)

“My dog always brings me a shoe whenever I get home.”

5 Generous Pets (19 pics)

“Our cat won’t stop bringing home sponges!”

6 Generous Pets (19 pics)

“Today is my birthday. I woke from a nap to a potato my boy brought me.”

7 Generous Pets (19 pics)

“My dog likes to greet me by bringing me stuff from inside the house.”

8 Generous Pets (19 pics)

“Some cats bring their humans birds and mice... Oliver brings me teabags.”

9 Generous Pets (19 pics)

“He loves to carry bras and underwear around the whole house.”

10 Generous Pets (19 pics)

“My cat brought me a pair of Air Pods!”

11 Generous Pets (19 pics)

“Our brave hunter cat brought home a feather duster.”

12 Generous Pets (19 pics)

“She looks so proud.”

13 Generous Pets (19 pics)

“My dog brings me things out of my toolbox, randomly hoping it’ll be something I need.”

14 Generous Pets (19 pics)

“I’m going to bring my owner a newspaper, owners love newspapers.”

15 Generous Pets (19 pics)

“My dog brought me some dirt today.”

16 Generous Pets (19 pics)

“He brought me a... tomato?!”

17 Generous Pets (19 pics)

“My cat brought me a rock. She is an indoor cat. I do not know where she got the rock.”

18 Generous Pets (19 pics)

“Hopscotch always brings me a toy when I get home. Today he brought me my husband’s lip balm.”

19 Generous Pets (19 pics)


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