Amazing Bushcraft (19 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 13 Dec, 2023  |
  • Views: 1846  |
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1 Amazing Bushcraft (19 pics)

Simple, but effective. Good to get out and hone the fire making skills in 38°f rainy weather.

2 Amazing Bushcraft (19 pics)

Little log cabin I built in Ontario Canada.

3 Amazing Bushcraft (19 pics)

First spice-leather pouch I've made.

4 Amazing Bushcraft (19 pics)

Getting some use out my wooden hut. -15C outside, quite warm inside.

5 Amazing Bushcraft (19 pics)

Building a primitive building on some friends land 110+ acres

6 Amazing Bushcraft (19 pics)

First monkey's fist.

7 Amazing Bushcraft (19 pics)

First bow.

8 Amazing Bushcraft (19 pics)

Using bushcraft to transport a harvested buck.

9 Amazing Bushcraft (19 pics)

Obsidian hand made knife.

10 Amazing Bushcraft (19 pics)

Some camps from a traveler.

11 Amazing Bushcraft (19 pics)

Fresh batch of pitch glue…great stuff.

12 Amazing Bushcraft (19 pics)

I've built a chair.

13 Amazing Bushcraft (19 pics)

First attempt at building a shelter.

14 Amazing Bushcraft (19 pics)

It was a cold morning. I had to get up and search around for fallen trees so I could get the fire going (should have prepared last night), but once I had a good stack and got the fire going it was so much more comfortable.

15 Amazing Bushcraft (19 pics)

Bushcraft gear storage box.

16 Amazing Bushcraft (19 pics)

This is so much fun, personally I prefer this over partying and being with lots of people.

17 Amazing Bushcraft (19 pics)

I wonder if anyone will move in.

18 Amazing Bushcraft (19 pics)

My girlfriend goes camping with me for one reason only

19 Amazing Bushcraft (19 pics)

My current collection.

20 Amazing Bushcraft (19 pics)

Needed to build the tools so I can finish the project.


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