Unusual Friendship (18 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 1 Dec, 2023  |
  • Views: 1001  |
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1 Unusual Friendship (18 pics)

2 Unusual Friendship (18 pics)

3 Unusual Friendship (18 pics)

4 Unusual Friendship (18 pics)

5 Unusual Friendship (18 pics)

6 Unusual Friendship (18 pics)

7 Unusual Friendship (18 pics)

8 Unusual Friendship (18 pics)

Goose keeps a cold puppy warm on the street

9 Unusual Friendship (18 pics)

10 Unusual Friendship (18 pics)

11 Unusual Friendship (18 pics)

12 Unusual Friendship (18 pics)

Rescued dog, Minnow, adopts Blossom, the newest rescue in the house. Now they are constant companions.

13 Unusual Friendship (18 pics)

14 Unusual Friendship (18 pics)

15 Unusual Friendship (18 pics)

Diver has 25 year friendship with fish

16 Unusual Friendship (18 pics)

17 Unusual Friendship (18 pics)

A pelican befriended a stray dog who was often spotted hanging out all alone along the boat docks. The man who photographed this has adopted him but brings him back every day to see his friend, Petey the Pelican.

18 Unusual Friendship (18 pics)

Warthog being cleaned by mongooses.

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