Unusual Discoveries And Finds (20 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 30 Nov, 2023  |
  • Views: 2477  |
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"Redwood trees are absolutely gigantic"

1 Unusual Discoveries And Finds (20 pics)

"To scale, this is how big a strand of human hair is compared to an egg cell"

2 Unusual Discoveries And Finds (20 pics)

"They sell red Solo cups as "American party cups" in New Zealand"

3 Unusual Discoveries And Finds (20 pics)

"This is what some of the first New York City tour buses looked like in 1904"

4 Unusual Discoveries And Finds (20 pics)

"This just might set the world record for smallest hand-carved wooden spoon"

5 Unusual Discoveries And Finds (20 pics)

"Here's another shot of a redwood tree absolutely towering over a car"

6 Unusual Discoveries And Finds (20 pics)

"This is the Queensland Stinger, one of the world's most dangerous plants"

7 Unusual Discoveries And Finds (20 pics)

"This is how big the Democratic Republic of the Congo is compared to the east coast of the United States"

8 Unusual Discoveries And Finds (20 pics)

"This is the Murchison meteorite, a meteorite found in Australia that formed over seven billion years ago"

9 Unusual Discoveries And Finds (20 pics)

"This is what the big ol' noggin of the Statue Of Liberty looks like from the torch"

10 Unusual Discoveries And Finds (20 pics)

"This is the Thanksgiving menu that was served at the Plaza Hotel in 1899"

11 Unusual Discoveries And Finds (20 pics)

"This is what an elephant's tail looks like close up"

12 Unusual Discoveries And Finds (20 pics)

"And this is what one of those tail hairs looks like up close"

13 Unusual Discoveries And Finds (20 pics)

"This is apparently a set of "instructions for new mothers" given to new moms in the 1940s"

14 Unusual Discoveries And Finds (20 pics)

"These are the shoes (well, shoe) Marie Antoinette wore to her execution during the French Revolution"

15 Unusual Discoveries And Finds (20 pics)

"Speaking of 18th and 19th century French history, Napoleon's hat recently sold at auction for 2.1 million dollars"

16 Unusual Discoveries And Finds (20 pics)

"Chickens can occasionally lay soft, smooshy eggs with no shell"

17 Unusual Discoveries And Finds (20 pics)

"Moths can be REALLY, REALLY big"

18 Unusual Discoveries And Finds (20 pics)

"Here's a list of every named generation going back to the 1400s"

19 Unusual Discoveries And Finds (20 pics)

"This is what a receipt for a Model T car looked like in 1919"

20 Unusual Discoveries And Finds (20 pics)


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