American Food That Foreigners Didn't Like (19 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 28 Nov, 2023  |
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1 American Food That Foreigners Didn't Like (19 pics)

school lunch like how do you mess up a pizza

2 American Food That Foreigners Didn't Like (19 pics)

Those Midwestern "fruit salads" where half of the ingredients is marshmallow fluff or mini marshmallows, Jello, whipped cream& I have a high tolerance for American food, but I cannot handle these, or even comprehend why and how they exist.

3 American Food That Foreigners Didn't Like (19 pics)

Twinkies. Not food though lol.

4 American Food That Foreigners Didn't Like (19 pics)


5 American Food That Foreigners Didn't Like (19 pics)

I’m American. If you ever come here, don’t go to long John silvers….just don’t.

6 American Food That Foreigners Didn't Like (19 pics)

Any of the "salads" that are just mayo and random s**t

7 American Food That Foreigners Didn't Like (19 pics)

Those cakes that have large amounts of fondant on them. The time and talent it would take to make one of these cakes is unreal but fondant is just nasty tasting in my opinion. That was not meant to offend anyone.

8 American Food That Foreigners Didn't Like (19 pics)


9 American Food That Foreigners Didn't Like (19 pics)

Boiled Okra.

10 American Food That Foreigners Didn't Like (19 pics)

Rocky mountain oysters.

11 American Food That Foreigners Didn't Like (19 pics)

the chocolate out there is FOUL

12 American Food That Foreigners Didn't Like (19 pics)

As an American that hasn't been home in four years, this whole conversation is making me homesick.
Corn dogs, root beer, biscuits and gravy, cajun?! You're all crazy! I'd kill for some of that food right now.

13 American Food That Foreigners Didn't Like (19 pics)

Fake smoked bacon sprinkles in a bottle

14 American Food That Foreigners Didn't Like (19 pics)

Basically anything that non Americans think is gross but still think Americans regularly eat like canned spray cheese. I don’t think I’ve ever even seen that used by another person in real life much less eaten it myself

15 American Food That Foreigners Didn't Like (19 pics)

Boiled peanuts. My wife loves them and every time we drove through South Carolina we had to stop and buy them. The stench was so bad I would have to roll the windows down. Those peanuts and Lindsey Graham are on my top two hate list for that state.

16 American Food That Foreigners Didn't Like (19 pics)

Processed cheese. It isn't even cheese.

17 American Food That Foreigners Didn't Like (19 pics)

that liquid cheese that goes on nachos, can't stand it for the life of me

18 American Food That Foreigners Didn't Like (19 pics)

Chinese Canadian. I'm going to provoke a lot of proud Southerners with this. Sweet tea is sugar water with a hint of tea.

19 American Food That Foreigners Didn't Like (19 pics)

If anyone says barbecue I will kill them

№1 Author: CASIO (28 Nov 2023 03:25) Total user comments: 321

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#6 ...that's the definition of a salad?

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