Kitchen Catastrophes (24 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 28 Nov, 2023  |
  • Views: 1459  |
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This person who fell asleep while their pizza was in the oven and now has a forbidden Oreo on their hands.

1 Kitchen Catastrophes (24 pics)

This person's friend who mistook a brining bag for an oven bag.

2 Kitchen Catastrophes (24 pics)

This person's coworker who "doesn't trust microwaves," so they decided to use the toaster oven to reheat their soup.

3 Kitchen Catastrophes (24 pics)

This person who might as well get a new oven after this spaghetti squash disaster.

4 Kitchen Catastrophes (24 pics)

Yeah, this person is also gonna need a new oven after finding out the hard way that plastic and high heat don't mix.

5 Kitchen Catastrophes (24 pics)

6 Kitchen Catastrophes (24 pics)

This person who probably could've used a bigger bowl for their dough rise.

7 Kitchen Catastrophes (24 pics)

8 Kitchen Catastrophes (24 pics)

This person who will never trust their mother to cook again after she served them rice that's old enough to vote.

9 Kitchen Catastrophes (24 pics)

This person's boyfriend who confused Himalayan pink salt for rice and now has me questioning if they've ever seen a grain of rice before.

10 Kitchen Catastrophes (24 pics)

This person who wanted to go all out by making a homemade stock...and then immediately draining it.

11 Kitchen Catastrophes (24 pics)

This person whose cooking was a little too fast and a little too furious.

12 Kitchen Catastrophes (24 pics)

This person who has a whole civilization growing in their rice cooker after forgetting to clean it.

13 Kitchen Catastrophes (24 pics)

This person who managed to offend the entire nation of Italy.

14 Kitchen Catastrophes (24 pics)

15 Kitchen Catastrophes (24 pics)

This person whose boiled porterhouse is somehow both overcooked and raw.

16 Kitchen Catastrophes (24 pics)

This person's kid who wanted to make french toast but ended up with an omelette.

17 Kitchen Catastrophes (24 pics)

This person whose mug cake proves that not every dessert is fool-proof.

18 Kitchen Catastrophes (24 pics)

This person who was unaware that churros were not a baked good and ended up with...cookies?

19 Kitchen Catastrophes (24 pics)

Probably still not as bad as this person who forgot the very key ingredient of flour in their cookies.

20 Kitchen Catastrophes (24 pics)

This person who probably won't be having waffles for breakfast.

21 Kitchen Catastrophes (24 pics)

This person's sweet potato casserole that can now legally be classified as magma.

22 Kitchen Catastrophes (24 pics)

This person who decided to toss a naked potato on an oven rack and hope for the best.

23 Kitchen Catastrophes (24 pics)

And lastly, this person who meant to grab soy sauce and will now be eating vanilla rice for dinner.

24 Kitchen Catastrophes (24 pics)


№1 Author: NPC-305 (28 Nov 2023 00:33) Total user comments: 334

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Imagine if that had happened to you with real food ...

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