Broken Dogs (23 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 24 Nov, 2023  |
  • Views: 993  |
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Glass is just as tasty as their legs.

1 Broken Dogs (23 pics)

“When assembling your dog kit, be sure to follow the instructions to avoid disasters like this.”

2 Broken Dogs (23 pics)

They chew on their legs...seems yummy!

3 Broken Dogs (23 pics)

“Feel my bu*t, hooman.”

4 Broken Dogs (23 pics)

They think your personal space is a joke.

5 Broken Dogs (23 pics)

They are flexible.

6 Broken Dogs (23 pics)

They look at everything from different perspectives.

7 Broken Dogs (23 pics)

“I ’chained’ him down while I went back inside to get my jacket. Came back out to a very good boy.”

8 Broken Dogs (23 pics)

They give presents.

9 Broken Dogs (23 pics)

They act really weird when the vacuum cleaner comes out

10 Broken Dogs (23 pics)

Must. Protect. The ball.

11 Broken Dogs (23 pics)

They rest in the most unexpected places.

12 Broken Dogs (23 pics)

They know what friendship means. This dog’s best friend is a brick.

13 Broken Dogs (23 pics)

They always find the most comfortable positions to chill in.

14 Broken Dogs (23 pics)

They love the nasty things they find in the ground.

15 Broken Dogs (23 pics)

They are true masters of disguise.

16 Broken Dogs (23 pics)

Pillows are their greatest enemies.

17 Broken Dogs (23 pics)

They are too curious.

18 Broken Dogs (23 pics)

They will get into any pose to catch their tails.

19 Broken Dogs (23 pics)

Did he break or is he just sleeping?

20 Broken Dogs (23 pics)

They know how to add a twist to your photos.

21 Broken Dogs (23 pics)

They are so brave.

22 Broken Dogs (23 pics)

“Human, I will bring you the biggest stick!”

23 Broken Dogs (23 pics)


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