Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 21 Nov, 2023  |
  • Views: 1462  |
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1 Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

"My glass table just randomly exploded"

2 Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

"Went to the store specifically for this."

3 Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

"I'm stuck in an elevator and I'm the only one in the building."

4 Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

"Spent 30 minutes yesterday with breathing difficulties after eating boneless salmon. Only when I looked in the mirror I see a fish bone that stabbed my tonsil. The "clean" part is where it penetrated my tonsil."

5 Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

"Great way to start a Friday"

6 Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

"Snorkeling in Hawaii for 10 min, and a wave pushed me into a sea urchin."

7 Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

"Came home to find my charger sipping my water."

8 Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

"Just sat down for a 6 hour red eye flight."

9 Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

"Was hanging out front on the porch with my partner at his place when this car came driving erratically down the block, struck 5 different vehicles (totaling 2, including partner’s) got out and shouted at me to not call 911 before running away. I did call 911. The police are searching for him now.'

10 Bad Days Happen (16 pics)


11 Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

"Ordered some decorations for my partners birthday today, delivered with love by amazon!"

12 Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

"Worked perfectly when I left for vacation. Came back to this."

13 Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

"Spilled my latte in my lap right before takeoff, 10 hours DC to Istanbul"

14 Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

"A 3 inch nail caused caused this"

15 Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

"These homeowners were out of town when their pool service technician left the water running. As a result, the pool overflowed and contributed to the failure of this deck."

16 Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

"Stepped on a piece of metal in the school parking lot after dropping my kids off"

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