Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 13 Nov, 2023  |
  • Views: 1714  |
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1 Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

"My new car caught on fire within an hour of being delivered."

2 Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

“Burned my arm with oil while cooking.”

3 Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

"Finally got my fiancé a new car. She's been rolling a pile forever. Less than 24 hours;"

4 Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

"Found this behind my wardrobe yesterday… I'm extremely allergic to mold.."

5 Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

"I’m sure it will buff right out"

6 Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

"Was trying to multitask and ended up spilling my entire pasta on the bed while stripping my linens."

7 Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

8 Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

9 Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

"I dropped my lasagna dinner on my keyboard"

10 Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

"A deer ran into the lingerie shop my sister works at"

11 Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

"I tried pulling a tag off of my new shirt"

12 Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

"New acne wash turned me into Sloth from The Goonies"

13 Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

"Paid 4 extra bucks on Uber Eats for a Happy birthday sign on the birthday cake and this is what I got."

14 Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

"New spam, with a side of botulism"

15 Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

Both my Rodeo Burgers from a popular chain were missing the Burgers

16 Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

"Dropped a 25 lbs dumbbell on the floor and it caught the tip of my finger between two dumbbells."

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