Annoying Roommates (20 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 1 Nov, 2023  |
  • Views: 1838  |
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These roommates who were drunk and thought it would be a funny prank to destroy their other roommate's furniture:

1 Annoying Roommates (20 pics)

This roommate who was making alcohol which stunk up the room they shared with someone else:

2 Annoying Roommates (20 pics)

This roommate who was hogging the Hulu account even though they didn't have permission to use the login in the first place:

3 Annoying Roommates (20 pics)

This person who was mad that their roommate didn't get name-brand trash bags:

4 Annoying Roommates (20 pics)

This roommate who replaced the toilet seat with this one after breaking it:

5 Annoying Roommates (20 pics)

This roommate who was home all day and couldn't find something to do in all that time:

6 Annoying Roommates (20 pics)

This roommate who let their kids eat their other roommate's new half gallon of ice cream:

7 Annoying Roommates (20 pics)

This roommate who put away obviously dirty dishes:

8 Annoying Roommates (20 pics)

9 Annoying Roommates (20 pics)

This college roommate whose nightlight was so bright, this is what the room looked like at night:

10 Annoying Roommates (20 pics)

This roommate who discarded all of their recycling on the kitchen floor:

11 Annoying Roommates (20 pics)

This former roommate who expected free food and drink when they went back to pick up a bunch of their stuff MONTHS after moving out:

12 Annoying Roommates (20 pics)

These roommates who carelessly handled the wooden spoon that their roommate's father made as a gift for his child:

13 Annoying Roommates (20 pics)

14 Annoying Roommates (20 pics)

This roommate who bit the house butter and dropped it in the pan every time they cooked:

15 Annoying Roommates (20 pics)

This person who felt that their roommate should start paying more rent because they made more money:

16 Annoying Roommates (20 pics)

This roommate who threw out someone else's food to make room for their own in the fridge:

17 Annoying Roommates (20 pics)

This person who was looking for a quiet roommate, but planned on practicing with their band at the apartment:

18 Annoying Roommates (20 pics)

This roommate who crashed their roomie's car and refused to pay for it:

19 Annoying Roommates (20 pics)

This person who took their roommate's car to drive ACROSS THE COUNTRY without their permission:

20 Annoying Roommates (20 pics)


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