Student Food (20 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 9 Oct, 2023  |
  • Views: 1193  |
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1 Student Food (20 pics)

2 Student Food (20 pics)

3 Student Food (20 pics)

4 Student Food (20 pics)

5 Student Food (20 pics)

Black bean tacos from Taco Bell

6 Student Food (20 pics)

This this is a microwaved burger.

7 Student Food (20 pics)

Nutella on a frozen banana.

8 Student Food (20 pics)

9 Student Food (20 pics)

No buns? No problem.

10 Student Food (20 pics)

That's not alfredo sauce it's mayo.

11 Student Food (20 pics)

Gotta admit, this one looks pretty good.

12 Student Food (20 pics)

13 Student Food (20 pics)

14 Student Food (20 pics)

15 Student Food (20 pics)

Chef Boyardee ravioli in a garlic bread sub… I have to say this looks f****ng awesome.

16 Student Food (20 pics)


17 Student Food (20 pics)

Red wine and shrimp SOUNDS nice.

18 Student Food (20 pics)

Ladies and gentlemen boiled chicken

19 Student Food (20 pics)

This is what happens when you add corn starch to onions that you're trying to caramelize it supposedly promotes browning.

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