Amazing Modern Embroidery (26 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 4 Oct, 2023  |
  • Views: 610  |
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1 Amazing Modern Embroidery (26 pics)

Crochet doorstop - how to add weight?

2 Amazing Modern Embroidery (26 pics)

My first crocheted maxi dress!!

3 Amazing Modern Embroidery (26 pics)

My skull parasol is complete!

4 Amazing Modern Embroidery (26 pics)

I may look crazy, but 33 hats down for my hospitals labor and delivery wing for donation today! This is my first time donating and I’m really excited

5 Amazing Modern Embroidery (26 pics)

Birthday gift for my niece. Lily of the valley nightlamp

6 Amazing Modern Embroidery (26 pics)

It’s finally done! My hand is ready for a break

7 Amazing Modern Embroidery (26 pics)

My bf will be going on holiday for almost a month, and since I won’t be able to come with him, I made him a lil’ Robin that he can take with him (my name is Robin)

8 Amazing Modern Embroidery (26 pics)

My friend’s grandma made this masterpiece… Can’t believe she only spent 25 days! I wish I had this skills.

9 Amazing Modern Embroidery (26 pics)

my dad’s only request for his birthday was that i make him a doll of myself

10 Amazing Modern Embroidery (26 pics)

I took up crocheting while pregnant, and created an army. We ride at dawn.

11 Amazing Modern Embroidery (26 pics)

I made a butter-fly

12 Amazing Modern Embroidery (26 pics)

This octupus took me a lot of time. I love it!

13 Amazing Modern Embroidery (26 pics)

My SIL is pregnant, and I made her this blanket. I can not wait to surprise her with it this weekend!

14 Amazing Modern Embroidery (26 pics)

My bff has a history of accidentally killing fish so I made her some that can’t die 

15 Amazing Modern Embroidery (26 pics)

Made this little opossum for a friend and she loved it 

16 Amazing Modern Embroidery (26 pics)

I finished this gent this week and no body was excited enough when I showed them, but I'm super happy with them

17 Amazing Modern Embroidery (26 pics)

8 months off and on and I finally finished this!

18 Amazing Modern Embroidery (26 pics)

I finished my giant snail

19 Amazing Modern Embroidery (26 pics)

My friends dog passed so I crocheted her a loving reminder!

20 Amazing Modern Embroidery (26 pics)

Freeform blob :)

21 Amazing Modern Embroidery (26 pics)

Just finished crocheting the cutest triceratops

22 Amazing Modern Embroidery (26 pics)

My coworker begged me for a red pterodactyl for his new baby. I hope he likes what I made! It even has a little rattle inside

23 Amazing Modern Embroidery (26 pics)

24 Amazing Modern Embroidery (26 pics)

Are these good enough to gift?

25 Amazing Modern Embroidery (26 pics)


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