Odd Finds In Shops (18 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 29 Sep, 2023  |
  • Views: 781  |
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Perfect blanket

1 Odd Finds In Shops (18 pics)

The best man at grocery shopping

2 Odd Finds In Shops (18 pics)

Well...that’s weird.

3 Odd Finds In Shops (18 pics)

When someone tells you to chill:

4 Odd Finds In Shops (18 pics)

“Take my money!”

5 Odd Finds In Shops (18 pics)

When you really can do it in one trip:

6 Odd Finds In Shops (18 pics)

“What a nice little...forget what I said.”

7 Odd Finds In Shops (18 pics)

“Okay, only healthy food today, Mr. Cat.”

8 Odd Finds In Shops (18 pics)

Somehow it sounds like a treat.

9 Odd Finds In Shops (18 pics)

Poor guy was shopping with 3 girls. He laid down for a second and they just left him like this.

10 Odd Finds In Shops (18 pics)

“I take my hedgehog grocery shopping, and no one tells me to stop.”

11 Odd Finds In Shops (18 pics)

Bet he plays metal.

12 Odd Finds In Shops (18 pics)

“Can I see your ID?”

13 Odd Finds In Shops (18 pics)

Perfect aisle

14 Odd Finds In Shops (18 pics)

“Let’s go camping, I know the perfect place.”

15 Odd Finds In Shops (18 pics)

“Mom went couch shopping. She sent my sister a pic when we noticed something...”

16 Odd Finds In Shops (18 pics)

“That moment when you find a young Michael Jackson alive while grocery shopping”

17 Odd Finds In Shops (18 pics)

“Saw Jack Sparrow and Wolverine shopping for a bottle of water today.”

18 Odd Finds In Shops (18 pics)


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