Bad Days Happen (17 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 18 Sep, 2023  |
  • Views: 1812  |
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1 Bad Days Happen (17 pics)

"Kitchen cabinets came crashing down at 4am last night"

2 Bad Days Happen (17 pics)

"My friend got a new car today and the wheel fell off while driving it."

3 Bad Days Happen (17 pics)

"I packed a big lunch, then grabbed an empty lunch box by accident while in a rush to get out the door."

4 Bad Days Happen (17 pics)

"My Girlfriend Ripped my Painting"

5 Bad Days Happen (17 pics)

"Siding crew ran out of siding and stole some from the completed side on a street corner. Won’t get a new shipment until next week…"

6 Bad Days Happen (17 pics)

"I tried to ride a bicycle again after 13 years"

7 Bad Days Happen (17 pics)

"I left the door open bringing in groceries "

8 Bad Days Happen (17 pics)

"This is what my Mum got for 50 years of service. They only remembered after she brought in a cake. No more than £20 spent."

9 Bad Days Happen (17 pics)

"Paid $300 for seats with a clear view since my gf is very short, drove nearly 2 hours to get to the concert early, took the day off work. This was oir view for the entire concert."

10 Bad Days Happen (17 pics)

"When you get your fav wings from your fav spot then have to unexpectedly slam on the breaks."

11 Bad Days Happen (17 pics)

"I accidentally dropped my gorilla light and it broke"

12 Bad Days Happen (17 pics)

"I got bit by a grasshopper and it drew blood!"

13 Bad Days Happen (17 pics)

"Was getting chicken ready for tomorrow and then this happens."

14 Bad Days Happen (17 pics)

"Thought it was safe to leave a single food packet out in my room over night"

15 Bad Days Happen (17 pics)

Welp, no more mowing for now.

16 Bad Days Happen (17 pics)

"Asked for a fade and got this."

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