Annoying Guests (15 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 12 Sep, 2023  |
  • Views: 1383  |
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“A friend came over and started making a waffle but forgot about it, then they left the iron like this for me to clean up. This is after 30 minutes of careful scraping.”

1 Annoying Guests (15 pics)

“I hosted some guests.”

2 Annoying Guests (15 pics)

“Some kids came over and found my newtons cradle and I’ve spent the last 2 hours trying to untangle it.”

3 Annoying Guests (15 pics)

“Me and my dad had been working on a puzzle for the past week over the holidays. Grandparents came and helped clean the place.”

4 Annoying Guests (15 pics)

“We wonder if everything is this ideal in their own homes?”

5 Annoying Guests (15 pics)

“My brother came to Christmas and took a shower; this is what he left behind...”

6 Annoying Guests (15 pics)

“Two reasons why I don’t like to host guests. I am ready to punish them for the dirty mirror.”

7 Annoying Guests (15 pics)

“Ordered a pizza and cheesy bread for me, my girlfriend, and her friend. Came back after grabbing plates to this...”

8 Annoying Guests (15 pics)

“It’s a bad idea to invite me to come over.”

9 Annoying Guests (15 pics)

“My friend brought a stray dog to my place. She washed the dog with my shampoo and then took a piece of meat from my fridge and fed the dog with it.”

10 Annoying Guests (15 pics)

“I couldn’t even say anything — I was totally shocked. When the dog left the bathroom and flooded my corridor with water, I started to cry.”

“My sister’s boyfriend came over to stay for a bit... These are my toothbrush and his.”

11 Annoying Guests (15 pics)

“Our guest using the wireless charger as a coaster.”

12 Annoying Guests (15 pics)

“We had guests over who were playing VR.”

13 Annoying Guests (15 pics)

“When you invite family over for a party and someone uses the sugar spoon to stir their drink.”

14 Annoying Guests (15 pics)

“We hope it didn’t happen at the moment when the clock was ringing in the New Year.”

15 Annoying Guests (15 pics)


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