Interesting Finds In Stores Around The World (25 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 4 Sep, 2023  |
  • Views: 902  |
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"Crayola Started A "Choose Your Own Crayon Box" Station In This Office Supply Store"

1 Interesting Finds In Stores Around The World (25 pics)

"Free Vegetable Leaves For Pets In My Local Supermarket"

2 Interesting Finds In Stores Around The World (25 pics)

"Our Local Supermarket Makes Juice Out Of Unsold Fruits. Literally Zero Waste"

3 Interesting Finds In Stores Around The World (25 pics)

"This Baby Store Has Different Surfaces To "Road Test" The Strollers"

4 Interesting Finds In Stores Around The World (25 pics)

"A Grocery Cart That Attaches To A Wheelchair To Provide Greater Independence While Shopping"

5 Interesting Finds In Stores Around The World (25 pics)

"This Store In Poland Allows You To Buy Frozen Dumplings And Veggies In Bulk And Weight Them Instead Of Prepackaged Boxes"

6 Interesting Finds In Stores Around The World (25 pics)

"Our Local Shop Grows Its Own Salads And Herbs On Site"

7 Interesting Finds In Stores Around The World (25 pics)

"This Irish Supermarket Has Quiet Evenings For Sensitive People"

8 Interesting Finds In Stores Around The World (25 pics)

"My Grocery Store Started Selling Overripe Bananas For Cheap With A Recipe For Banana Bread On The Bag"

9 Interesting Finds In Stores Around The World (25 pics)

"They Have Pet Carts In Grocery Stores In Italy"

10 Interesting Finds In Stores Around The World (25 pics)

"These Shopping Carts In German Store Have A Built-In Magnifying Glass"

11 Interesting Finds In Stores Around The World (25 pics)

"My Shopping Bag Has A Printed Holiday Pattern, So It Can Be Reused As A Wrapping Paper"

12 Interesting Finds In Stores Around The World (25 pics)

"The Body Shop In Stockholm Has This Now. Refillable Shampoos And Other Products"

13 Interesting Finds In Stores Around The World (25 pics)

"In This Grocery Store, Cashiers Hangs Up Flags At Their Registers To Indicate The Languages They Speak"

14 Interesting Finds In Stores Around The World (25 pics)

"All Supermarkets Should Do This"

15 Interesting Finds In Stores Around The World (25 pics)

"This Sporting Goods Shop Has A Pool To Test Aquatic Equipment"

16 Interesting Finds In Stores Around The World (25 pics)

"The Vegetable Shops Here Shows A Picture Of The Farmer"

17 Interesting Finds In Stores Around The World (25 pics)

"These Two Different Sets Of Shopping Baskets At A Department Store In Bangkok. For Those That Need Help And Those That Want To Be Left Alone"

18 Interesting Finds In Stores Around The World (25 pics)

"Supermarket Trolleys In Sweden Have A Map Of The Supermarket"

19 Interesting Finds In Stores Around The World (25 pics)

"Chairs In A Mall Food Court Are Notched To Hold Shopping Bags"

20 Interesting Finds In Stores Around The World (25 pics)

"This Shopping Cart Has A Spot For Kids To Stand On While Their Parents Pushes"

21 Interesting Finds In Stores Around The World (25 pics)

"This Checkout Has No Candy For Parents With Kids"

22 Interesting Finds In Stores Around The World (25 pics)

"Men's Restroom In A Grocery Store Had A Selection Of Free Diapers"

23 Interesting Finds In Stores Around The World (25 pics)

"This Board In An Italian Supermarket Shows You What Fruit Is Available At Different Times Of The Year. This Would Be Useful In All Supermarkets"

24 Interesting Finds In Stores Around The World (25 pics)

""Blind Dates With A Book" Prevent You From Judging A Book By Its Cover"

25 Interesting Finds In Stores Around The World (25 pics)


№1 Author: NPC-305 (7 Sep 2023 01:14) Total user comments: 313

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#5: i saw it in my country (Europe)
And I think it's great.
We need more of this.

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