People With Unique Body Features (16 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 4 Sep, 2023  |
  • Views: 1388  |
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1 People With Unique Body Features (16 pics)

"This person whose right index finger is longer than all their other fingers."

2 People With Unique Body Features (16 pics)

"This person who had a patch of hair "fall out" a year and a half ago only for it to grow back curly."

3 People With Unique Body Features (16 pics)

"This person who doesn't have middle knuckles on any of their fingers or toes."

4 People With Unique Body Features (16 pics)

This person who actually has a tooth in the ROOF of their mouth.

5 People With Unique Body Features (16 pics)

"Bier spots! They are small, light macules usually found on the arms and legs of young adults, in which the intervening skin may seem erythematous but blanches with pressure so that these light macules disappear."

6 People With Unique Body Features (16 pics)

"There are some muscles/tendons in and around your hands that only some people have. It’s possible I just have an incredibly unlikely combination of those, and that’s why I can do it."

7 People With Unique Body Features (16 pics)

bony growths on the floor of your mouth."

8 People With Unique Body Features (16 pics)

"This person whose blood circulation makes it look like their middle finger belongs to someone else "

9 People With Unique Body Features (16 pics)

"This person whose veins on their foot forms the number "2"

10 People With Unique Body Features (16 pics)

"And this person who took a great photo of their sectoral, or partial, which occurs when there are two different colors in the same iris."

11 People With Unique Body Features (16 pics)

"This person whose finger is now misshapen after removing a ring that'd been on for 2.5 years straight."

12 People With Unique Body Features (16 pics)

This person doesn't get goosebumps on a certain part of her leg.

13 People With Unique Body Features (16 pics)

"And this person who has a "split," aka a bifid, uvula in their mouth."

14 People With Unique Body Features (16 pics)

This person has an extremely long eye lash.

15 People With Unique Body Features (16 pics)

"This person who actually GROWS tiny, extra teeth — like this one that they pulled from the roof of their mouth."

16 People With Unique Body Features (16 pics)

"This person who, due to a pigmentation, has different colored hair on their legs — blond on the left, and black on the right"

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