Life Failures (16 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 9 Aug, 2023  |
  • Views: 4388  |
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1 Life Failures (16 pics)

"No hummus for me I guess"

2 Life Failures (16 pics)

When you mow your lawn and hit a hornets nest

3 Life Failures (16 pics)

"Soap dispenser dispensed soap a little too hard. Now I'm leaving my office bathroom looking like I just rubbed one out."

4 Life Failures (16 pics)

"Smashed my pinky in a car door."

5 Life Failures (16 pics)

"My friend accidentally shot himself in the leg"

6 Life Failures (16 pics)

"My flat’s been leaking for a week straight. I haven’t slept in days. I have to empty this bucket every 15 mins."

7 Life Failures (16 pics)

"Paystub from a coal miner in WV 1942. Ends up owing his employer $1.84 ($35.76 in 2023) at the end of the pay period. This is when miners were paid in company
currency and lived in company houses and shopped at a company store."

8 Life Failures (16 pics)

"After a total of 160 km (100 mi), it is completely dead"

9 Life Failures (16 pics)

"You order ONE thing from Temu and the next day the the bank is like “Um are you in Singapore rn cause your credit card is being used there.”

10 Life Failures (16 pics)

"Why does my family do this to me and my knives?"

11 Life Failures (16 pics)

"The kids put my wife's new water bottle in the dishwasher. Turns out its not dishwasher safe."

12 Life Failures (16 pics)

"Moved my PC into my GF's a Little Over an Hour Ago…"

13 Life Failures (16 pics)


14 Life Failures (16 pics)

"After a week I find my watch(which I had lost at home), when I had already ordered a new one."

15 Life Failures (16 pics)

"Apparently the timer on our toaster quit working"

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