Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 31 Jul, 2023  |
  • Views: 1823  |
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1 Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

2 Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

"Hapy F****g Monday"

3 Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

4 Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

"I Don’t know how this happened, I work at a toilet paper factory…"

5 Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

"This happened outside my Buddy’s workplace. The student driver sticker really brings it all together"

6 Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

"Oops… Wrong gurney in the room"

7 Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

"Here is our daughter’s first flight in europe. “and we’ll be able to see Paris as we fly over it!”"

8 Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

"I opened the fridge door and all of my eggs fell out. Good morning, monday."

9 Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

10 Bad Days Happen (16 pics)


11 Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

"When you get to work at 5:30 am and someone has thrown your breakfast away"

12 Bad Days Happen (16 pics)


13 Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

"So this happened to me on an escolator in korea. One of my worst fears came true"

14 Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

15 Bad Days Happen (16 pics)

"Boyfriend bought 8 lbs of jellly bellies. Then the bag broke. This was the result. Oops."

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