Extinct Species And Their Modern Relatives (18 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 25 Jul, 2023  |
  • Views: 1556  |
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The Modern Sunda Pangolin And The Extinct Giant Asian Pangolin

1 Extinct Species And Their Modern Relatives (18 pics)

The Modern Grevy's Zebra And The Extinct Macrauchenia

2 Extinct Species And Their Modern Relatives (18 pics)

The Modern Trumpeter Swan And The Extinct Demon Duck

3 Extinct Species And Their Modern Relatives (18 pics)

The Modern Asian Tapir And The Extinct Moropus

4 Extinct Species And Their Modern Relatives (18 pics)

The Modern Great Hippopotamus And The Extinct Andrewsarchus

5 Extinct Species And Their Modern Relatives (18 pics)

The Modern Nicobar Pigeon And The Extinct Dodo

6 Extinct Species And Their Modern Relatives (18 pics)

The Modern Grevy's Zebra And The Extinct Embolotherium

7 Extinct Species And Their Modern Relatives (18 pics)

The Modern African Lion And The Extinct Simbakubwa

8 Extinct Species And Their Modern Relatives (18 pics)

The Modern Shire Horse And The Extinct Eohippus

9 Extinct Species And Their Modern Relatives (18 pics)

The Modern Wild Turkey And The Extinct Sylviornis

10 Extinct Species And Their Modern Relatives (18 pics)

The Modern Bengal Tiger And The Extinct Sarkastodon

11 Extinct Species And Their Modern Relatives (18 pics)

The Modern African Wild Dog And The Extinct Xenocyon

12 Extinct Species And Their Modern Relatives (18 pics)

The Modern Koala And The Extinct Marsupial Lion

13 Extinct Species And Their Modern Relatives (18 pics)

The Modern Tasmanian Devil And The Extinct Whollydooleya

14 Extinct Species And Their Modern Relatives (18 pics)

The Modern African Forest Elephant And The Extinct Arsinoitherium

15 Extinct Species And Their Modern Relatives (18 pics)

The Modern Moonrat And The Extinct Gargano Giant Gymnure

16 Extinct Species And Their Modern Relatives (18 pics)

The Modern Cougar And The Extinct American Cheetah

17 Extinct Species And Their Modern Relatives (18 pics)

The Modern Giant River Otter And The Extinct Giant Ethiopian Otter

18 Extinct Species And Their Modern Relatives (18 pics)


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