Interesting And Unusual Finds In Different Countries (34 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 24 Jul, 2023  |
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1 Interesting And Unusual Finds In Different Countries (34 pics)

A ski resort in Japan puts saltwater in their sprinklers to keep roads from icing over. Genius!

2 Interesting And Unusual Finds In Different Countries (34 pics)

Like this German grocery cart that has a wrack to hold your beer.

3 Interesting And Unusual Finds In Different Countries (34 pics)

These pet carts in Italian grocery stores are a must. No more dogs left in hot cars!

4 Interesting And Unusual Finds In Different Countries (34 pics)

This next level sunscreen machine in Aruba makes sure you're protected head to toe.

5 Interesting And Unusual Finds In Different Countries (34 pics)

Australian's get an itemized bill to see how their taxes are being spent. I have a feeling this would cause some outrage if we had this in the US.

6 Interesting And Unusual Finds In Different Countries (34 pics)

Norweigen bus stops have mini-libraries so you can pass the time while waiting for the bus.

7 Interesting And Unusual Finds In Different Countries (34 pics)

This restaurant has hand signals that help you order your food. Perfect for a noisy restaurant or tourist afraid of butchering the pronunciation.

8 Interesting And Unusual Finds In Different Countries (34 pics)

Dining with a big party and trying to split the bill? This Turkish restaurant does the math for you.

9 Interesting And Unusual Finds In Different Countries (34 pics)

Don't you hate when the lights green and the driver in front of you takes forever to notice? Well, these Russian traffic lights are impossible to miss.

10 Interesting And Unusual Finds In Different Countries (34 pics)

In South Korea, they have finger gloves to keep their hands clean of chip dust or pizza grease.

11 Interesting And Unusual Finds In Different Countries (34 pics)

Would these Italian knee-activated sinks work better than the sensors that never seem to register your hand in front of them?

12 Interesting And Unusual Finds In Different Countries (34 pics)

I need these personal draft beer dispensers from Hong Kong in my home.

13 Interesting And Unusual Finds In Different Countries (34 pics)

Canadian bike repair stations.

14 Interesting And Unusual Finds In Different Countries (34 pics)

Denmark has bins to hold your electronics while you're on the toilet.

15 Interesting And Unusual Finds In Different Countries (34 pics)

Boat drive-thrus in Germany for the hungry sailor.

16 Interesting And Unusual Finds In Different Countries (34 pics)

This Chinese McDonald's has a conveyer belt deliver your food.

17 Interesting And Unusual Finds In Different Countries (34 pics)

This Japanese grocery store has coded shopping carts to let employees know if you need help.

18 Interesting And Unusual Finds In Different Countries (34 pics)

A Finnish restaurant helps you get your waiter's attention with this device.

19 Interesting And Unusual Finds In Different Countries (34 pics)

In Portugal, they have outdoor escalators for those mountainous sets of stairs.

20 Interesting And Unusual Finds In Different Countries (34 pics)

These Japanese bathrooms have screens showing toilet availability. No more uncomfortable knocking on stall doors.

21 Interesting And Unusual Finds In Different Countries (34 pics)

In Croatia, their intersections have 3D maps so blind people can know what the path looks like.

22 Interesting And Unusual Finds In Different Countries (34 pics)

This bench in Croatia uses solar power to let you charge your phone and provide wifi.

23 Interesting And Unusual Finds In Different Countries (34 pics)

These UPS delivery bikes navigate narrow alleys through Italy. They may not have much use in the US, but I'd love to see one of these funky things riding down the

24 Interesting And Unusual Finds In Different Countries (34 pics)

Supermarkets in Belgium have reserved spots for pregnant women.

25 Interesting And Unusual Finds In Different Countries (34 pics)

In France, they have parking dividers. No more risk of scatching someone's car when leaving those compact spots.

26 Interesting And Unusual Finds In Different Countries (34 pics)

This Burger King in Norway provides a sink to empty your drink before you toss your trash.

27 Interesting And Unusual Finds In Different Countries (34 pics)

German germaphobes can rest easy with this shopping cart cleaner.

28 Interesting And Unusual Finds In Different Countries (34 pics)

These cakes in South Korea come with a cake knife that holds candles and matches inside.

29 Interesting And Unusual Finds In Different Countries (34 pics)

Italian bottles keep their caps attached so you don't lose them.

30 Interesting And Unusual Finds In Different Countries (34 pics)

No more holding back on the toilet. These public bathrooms in Japan play music to cover up any noise so you can blow up the bowl in peace.

31 Interesting And Unusual Finds In Different Countries (34 pics)

Meat packaging in Norway has a meter that tells you how long you have until it goes bad.

32 Interesting And Unusual Finds In Different Countries (34 pics)

These movie theaters in Croatia have beds in their back row. Just hope your seat-neighbors don't start doing anything under the blankets.

33 Interesting And Unusual Finds In Different Countries (34 pics)

These recycling bin lids in Sweden tell you exactly what trash goes where.

№1 Author: NPC-305 (24 Jul 2023 00:41) Total user comments: 313

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#2: öhm? every shopping cart in europe has the
№2 Author: Iguana (24 Jul 2023 06:51) Total user comments: 353

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Quote: NPC-305
#2: öhm? every shopping cart in europe has the

...and hit that with your leg at every step. Painful as hell.

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