Normal Animals With Bad Reputations (20 pics)

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  • 19 Jul, 2023  |
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1 Normal Animals With Bad Reputations (20 pics)

"Pigs. Due to their reputation for being dirty, stupid, oafish animals and unfortunately are found on most menus, we look down on pigs as something more than living bacon. When in reality they’re really smart, smarter than humans at certain stages of development, got incredible senses of smell on par with dogs, are actually incredibly clean animals that naturally try to defecate away from where their tribe usually resides (in the same way that we used to have outhouses.)

In fact, it’s likely the conditions that we put them in that gains them their reputation for dirtiness because of the unsanitary conditions that we keep them in on factory farms. They have incredibly similar personalities to dogs in that they are incredibly caring and love belly rubs and stuff like that."

2 Normal Animals With Bad Reputations (20 pics)

"Vultures. Basically nature’s trash collector."

3 Normal Animals With Bad Reputations (20 pics)

"Tasmanian tigers were all snuffed out for eating sheep. After they were all killed it was discovered that their jaws weren’t strong enough to puncture sheep skin."

4 Normal Animals With Bad Reputations (20 pics)

"Spiders. Especially Australian spiders. There’s only a couple you really need to worry about, the rest are great for catching annoying insects and actually deadly spiders."

5 Normal Animals With Bad Reputations (20 pics)

"Opossums. Despite the mean mug and demon looking eyes they are not aggressive at all and are generally clean creatures."

6 Normal Animals With Bad Reputations (20 pics)

"Apparently domesticated rats are intelligent, cuddly, and playful among having other good pet qualities."

7 Normal Animals With Bad Reputations (20 pics)

"Sharks are the toddlers of the ocean. ‘What’s that? I’ll stick it in my mouth to find out’ unfortunately they just have more pointy things in their mouth."

8 Normal Animals With Bad Reputations (20 pics)

"T-Rex, never hurt a human before."

9 Normal Animals With Bad Reputations (20 pics)

"Kids are often scared of bees (adults too) because they sting, but bees are absolutely vital to growing fresh fruit. Local honey also helps with allergies."

10 Normal Animals With Bad Reputations (20 pics)

"House centipedes…the ones with a billion really long legs, that move around your house at an average speed of 350 mph. They eat lots of pest bugs, and once you get past any fear of them speeding across your face while you sleep, they’re pretty much an ideal housemate: quiet, clean, and not someone you are likely to end up sleeping with to complicate matters."

11 Normal Animals With Bad Reputations (20 pics)

"Hyenas are also highly intelligent animals with complex social structures, and excellent memory."

12 Normal Animals With Bad Reputations (20 pics)

"Black cats."

13 Normal Animals With Bad Reputations (20 pics)

"Cheetahs are actually very skittish animals to the point where they get therapy dogs at zoos."

14 Normal Animals With Bad Reputations (20 pics)

"Alligators. The chances of being attacked by an alligator are smaller than you think and they are less aggressive to humans than crocodiles (especially the saltwater and Nile crocodiles.)

Crocodilians in general are also very important to their ecosystems."

15 Normal Animals With Bad Reputations (20 pics)

"Crows. In India crows are unholy according to religion, but they are known for their remarkable intelligence. They can remember faces, recognize and imitate human voices, and even use cars to crack open nuts."

16 Normal Animals With Bad Reputations (20 pics)

"Bats are one of the best pollinators in the world. They kill crazy amounts of bugs (They love mosquitos btw). Most of them are completely harmless."

17 Normal Animals With Bad Reputations (20 pics)

"Why do we hate Wolves so much when they are just dogs we haven’t domesticated? Also they don’t attack humans nor are as violent as bears when disturbed."

18 Normal Animals With Bad Reputations (20 pics)

"Armadillos. Notorious for carrying pandemic level flesh eating diseases. In reality, extremely few are actually recorded to have said disease, which is easily treatable with antibiotics if symptoms even surface. Usually treated by just washing ones hands with soap. 95% of humans have a natural and highly effective defense against leprosy and Hansens disease."

19 Normal Animals With Bad Reputations (20 pics)

"Pigeons. We brought them to New York, and we curse at them for being there. They are like stray dogs, but they learned to live in that city."

20 Normal Animals With Bad Reputations (20 pics)

"Gorillas. Humans back then were terrified and maybe even hated gorillas because their bigger size and greater strength lead us to assume that they are vicious and will attack at any time. It isn’t until Binti Jua, Jambo, and the famous Harambe incidents that saved gorillas’ reputation."


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