Interesting Graphs (26 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 5 Jul, 2023  |
  • Views: 4281  |
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Nuclear mushroom clouds can be so much more staggeringly large than you likely realized.

1 Interesting Graphs (26 pics)

2 Interesting Graphs (26 pics)

3 Interesting Graphs (26 pics)

And this fascinating chart shows you the typical colors of clothes during the Middle Ages...and the natural dyes people used to create them!

4 Interesting Graphs (26 pics)

This ingenious image does a great job of explaining how genetics work...and making you crave gummy bears.

5 Interesting Graphs (26 pics)

6 Interesting Graphs (26 pics)

Speaking of a trillion...this fact is wild. Hyperinflation hit Zimbabwe so heavily in 2009 (inflation literally reached 230,000,000% that year!!!) that the country introduced a 100 TRILLION dollar bill...which was worth about 40 US cents.

7 Interesting Graphs (26 pics)

8 Interesting Graphs (26 pics)

This chart shows a trick for remembering how many days are in each month (the "knuckles" months are the ones with 31 days).

9 Interesting Graphs (26 pics)

And being colorblind doesn't mean you see the world in black and white — it's that you have a narrower perception of color.

10 Interesting Graphs (26 pics)

11 Interesting Graphs (26 pics)

12 Interesting Graphs (26 pics)

This incredible image shows just how much a cervix can dilate during childbirth.

13 Interesting Graphs (26 pics)

14 Interesting Graphs (26 pics)

This US map chart explains that the American Southwest's climate is like the Middle East's, and Washington's is like England's!

15 Interesting Graphs (26 pics)

16 Interesting Graphs (26 pics)

17 Interesting Graphs (26 pics)

18 Interesting Graphs (26 pics)

And, speaking of dogs, the asphalt your pup walks on is probably way hotter than you realized.

19 Interesting Graphs (26 pics)

20 Interesting Graphs (26 pics)

And, while things are pretty secretive in North Korea, it appears this wild fact is (or at least was) true — their professional basketball league has their own rules, including dunks being worth three points!

21 Interesting Graphs (26 pics)

22 Interesting Graphs (26 pics)

What you wear running or riding a bike at night makes a shockingly HUGE difference in how visible you are.

23 Interesting Graphs (26 pics)

And this graphic explains how gerrymandering works in simple we can all understand how infuriating it is!

24 Interesting Graphs (26 pics)

25 Interesting Graphs (26 pics)

This is the differences between endemic, epidemic, and pandemic...explained in the simplest way possible.

26 Interesting Graphs (26 pics)


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№1 Author: JimmyChristX (5 Jul 2023 21:55) Total user comments: 6

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#25: choose some simple stuff like : Ilove100%+mushrooms!

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