Interesting Furniture Designs (28 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 26 Jun, 2023  |
  • Views: 909  |
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1 Interesting Furniture Designs (28 pics)

Funky Dali couch just came in.

2 Interesting Furniture Designs (28 pics)

Essential furniture for a toddler Round Table discussion

3 Interesting Furniture Designs (28 pics)

New coffee table is a TAPE at Chez Rhodes-Lake!

4 Interesting Furniture Designs (28 pics)

A side table I made to look like a sitting guy

5 Interesting Furniture Designs (28 pics)

Probably my weirdest commission. But I like how it turned out.

6 Interesting Furniture Designs (28 pics)

This frosted mirror display for a squeegee at IKEA

7 Interesting Furniture Designs (28 pics)

Found a weird couch.

8 Interesting Furniture Designs (28 pics)

Handcrafted doctor seuss shelf! Dimensions are 80x36x16. Approximately 95 pounds

9 Interesting Furniture Designs (28 pics)

10 Interesting Furniture Designs (28 pics)

Octopus coffee tables, Woodstock Georgia Antique Market.

11 Interesting Furniture Designs (28 pics)

Picked up this dapper guy today from our local buy and sell, set him up in our bathroom to hold extra tp then waited for my husband to come home ????
Frog butler, he’s so fancy ????

12 Interesting Furniture Designs (28 pics)

I wish campsites had logs like this to sit on

13 Interesting Furniture Designs (28 pics)

New in shop.
Custom table made from 1920s baby grand piano harp. One of a kind and gorgeous.

14 Interesting Furniture Designs (28 pics)

Not sure whether to sit down on this or wear it.

15 Interesting Furniture Designs (28 pics)


16 Interesting Furniture Designs (28 pics)

17 Interesting Furniture Designs (28 pics)

How you doin’?

18 Interesting Furniture Designs (28 pics)

The only Art Gallery with a conjoined chair. If you sit, we click.

19 Interesting Furniture Designs (28 pics)

20 Interesting Furniture Designs (28 pics)

nothing better than seeing one of each! which Windsor is your fave?

21 Interesting Furniture Designs (28 pics)

Love it.

22 Interesting Furniture Designs (28 pics)

A sleeping polar bear ottoman brings your room some childlike fun. It is not designed only for kids????

23 Interesting Furniture Designs (28 pics)

Does anyone like my new black spider chair ?

24 Interesting Furniture Designs (28 pics)

“Safety glasses” that I made for my wife’s Optometry office.

25 Interesting Furniture Designs (28 pics)

I think this might take the cake for WEIRDEST FURNITURE FOUND AT THE THRIFT STORE! Atleast for me anyway lol
A glass top table with legs made of toilet plungers and copper pipe

26 Interesting Furniture Designs (28 pics)

Friday evening ????

27 Interesting Furniture Designs (28 pics)

Leather socks for chair legs. I did it myself


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