Nostalgic Things From The 80's And 90's (23 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 26 Jun, 2023  |
  • Views: 2366  |
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An old knob TV that she'd have in the kitchen or garage:

1 Nostalgic Things From The 80's And 90's (23 pics)

The bird sounds wall clock in the kitchen or laundry room:

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And the chunky wood wall clock in the den:

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A random product she'd gotten decades earlier, and never used and was still in the packaging:

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A 1980s Dustbuster that you would always end up playing with:

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A Kenmore appliance or two she'd gotten at Sears decades earlier — that still worked — and would make her say, "They don't make things today like they used to":

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A Raggedy Ann in a guest room:

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This EXACT fan:

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And these EXACT wood and cork coasters in her dining room or living room:

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A fake flower arrangement that was discolored, covered in dust, and at least 20 years old:

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A china cabinet full of plates that NOBODY ate from ever:

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Drinks and condiments inside of the fridge that had clearly been in there for decades, but that she said were still "good" and refused to throw out:

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This Tupperware set that was made from really hard plastic and had a distinct smell inside of it of food, soap, and plastic:

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An ancient thermostat that looked like something out of an old submarine that you knew you could NOT TOUCH:

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A stationary bike in a random room for no reason that would often be draped with clothes:

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A cookie jar that was older than even her kids:

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A collection of "grandma" coffee mugs she'd gotten over the years for Mother's Day and birthdays:

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A padded toilet seat, which always felt weird to sit on:

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An old crystal ashtray on the coffee table filled with candy:

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The bowl of nuts that seemed to always be the exact same ones, and you wondered if anyone ever ate them:

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Boxes of Entenmann's donuts and pastries sitting on her kitchen counter:

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A bathroom or bedroom that had wallpaper that was clearly from a different era:

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And lastly, her stack of coupons that you knewFsuck better than to touch because she had them all mentally cataloged:

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