Lazy ''Geniuses'' (27 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 16 Jun, 2023  |
  • Views: 5599  |
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“I thought I was the laziest in the family.”

1 Lazy ''Geniuses'' (27 pics)

“My friend built a floating table over her bed, so she never has to stand up again.”

2 Lazy ''Geniuses'' (27 pics)

“Too lazy to get the tree out and put the drum kit into storage. I think it worked out fine.”

3 Lazy ''Geniuses'' (27 pics)

“I made onion rings but I didn’t want to wash a plate so I put them on a chopstick.”

4 Lazy ''Geniuses'' (27 pics)

“I’m never washing my hair again.”

5 Lazy ''Geniuses'' (27 pics)

“My Dad’s Christmas tee.”

6 Lazy ''Geniuses'' (27 pics)

“When you’re too lazy to wash them dishes so you do this.”

7 Lazy ''Geniuses'' (27 pics)

“Laziness level: college student.”

8 Lazy ''Geniuses'' (27 pics)

“No reason for a bed anymore.”

9 Lazy ''Geniuses'' (27 pics)

“My razor broke about 5 days ago. Still too lazy to go get a new one.”

10 Lazy ''Geniuses'' (27 pics)

“I’m too lazy to make a bunch of little ones for just one person.”

11 Lazy ''Geniuses'' (27 pics)

“My daughter wanted a fort. I was feeling lazy.”

12 Lazy ''Geniuses'' (27 pics)

“I was making homemade churros for the husband and the tip of the piping bag popped out. Too lazy to fix it.”

13 Lazy ''Geniuses'' (27 pics)

“I’m really lazy when it comes to putting on a costume.”

14 Lazy ''Geniuses'' (27 pics)

“My girlfriend called me lazy for being on Imgur. So I did this for her birthday.”

15 Lazy ''Geniuses'' (27 pics)

"Don’t bother. I’ll have to replace it in a few days anyway."

16 Lazy ''Geniuses'' (27 pics)

17 Lazy ''Geniuses'' (27 pics)

18 Lazy ''Geniuses'' (27 pics)

19 Lazy ''Geniuses'' (27 pics)

20 Lazy ''Geniuses'' (27 pics)

21 Lazy ''Geniuses'' (27 pics)

22 Lazy ''Geniuses'' (27 pics)

"When you don’t have the energy to finish what you’ve started"

23 Lazy ''Geniuses'' (27 pics)

"I wonder if this helped."

24 Lazy ''Geniuses'' (27 pics)

25 Lazy ''Geniuses'' (27 pics)

26 Lazy ''Geniuses'' (27 pics)

27 Lazy ''Geniuses'' (27 pics)


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