Interesting Finds (25 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 7 Jun, 2023  |
  • Views: 3293  |
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1 Interesting Finds (25 pics)

The Rosette nebula, a giant skull shaped molecular cloud in the Monoceros region of the Milky Way Galaxy.

2 Interesting Finds (25 pics)

This crossing with lights on the ground that turn green/red.

3 Interesting Finds (25 pics)

The 1st class shower/toilet on an A380.

4 Interesting Finds (25 pics)

Robot in training sign.

5 Interesting Finds (25 pics)

This nonlinear escalator.

6 Interesting Finds (25 pics)

Origami gorilla I designed and folded from a single square of paper.

7 Interesting Finds (25 pics)

These electrical outlet plates my mom painted for her kitchen to match the granite.

8 Interesting Finds (25 pics)

Killington Vermont June 1st, 2023. The ski resort makes snow on one single trail to stay open as long as possible in to the spring. Today is the last day for skiing, with a high of 88 F.

9 Interesting Finds (25 pics)

Dish towel used by R. Lee to surrender to Union forces, known as the final flag of the Confederacy.

10 Interesting Finds (25 pics)

Shopping carts in Germany have a special beer crate holder in the back.

11 Interesting Finds (25 pics)

House carved into a stone by a 15th-century Romanian monk.

12 Interesting Finds (25 pics)

My local butcher shop has knife handles for the entry.

13 Interesting Finds (25 pics)

I recently inherited my family’s original piece of land and these are some of the keys in came with.

14 Interesting Finds (25 pics)

I came across houses being 3D printed.

15 Interesting Finds (25 pics)

This butterfly my uncle found has the number 88 in its wings!

16 Interesting Finds (25 pics)

My collection of (mostly) vintage uranium glass.

17 Interesting Finds (25 pics)

A10 warthog gun barrel.

18 Interesting Finds (25 pics)

This green stop sign.

19 Interesting Finds (25 pics)

WWI trench 96 years later.

20 Interesting Finds (25 pics)

My dads friend made a wooden chain using a single log.

21 Interesting Finds (25 pics)

London church converted into swimming pool.

22 Interesting Finds (25 pics)

Photo of a residential subdivision in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

23 Interesting Finds (25 pics)

Eucalyptus Deglupta, otherwise known as Rainbow Eucalyptus, is a species of tree native to Indonesia, the Philippines & Papau New Guinea, characterised by its striking multi-coloured bark.

24 Interesting Finds (25 pics)

The inside of a tank of a liquefied natural gas carrier.

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