Lost And Found Treasures Of Art (24 pics)

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  • 2 Jun, 2023  |
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"Super Cool Design. Famed Motorcycle Builder Dirk Oehlerking Of Kingston Custom Crafted This Bike Called Good Ghost"

1 Lost And Found Treasures Of Art (24 pics)

"“The Veiled Lady” By Raffaele Monti 1860"

2 Lost And Found Treasures Of Art (24 pics)

"I can’t even begin to wrap my head around the skill that was required to execute this marble masterpiece. To create the illusion of transparency with the veil in this medium is unbelievable. Metropolitan Museum of Art."

"The Largest Intact Mosaic. Antakya Turkey. Sixth Century"

3 Lost And Found Treasures Of Art (24 pics)

"Spanning over 1200 sq meters and made up of geometric shapes and non-repeating figures. Was probably created as a public space at the time. One of the most fascinating aspects of this mosaic is curved rug like surface which grew curved as a result of earthquakes in 526 and 528 AD. Despite the earthquakes the mosaic never broke and survived to the present date intact and unbroken. It took 9 years to unearth."

"Absolutely Amazing Spray Paint Art"

4 Lost And Found Treasures Of Art (24 pics)

"A Tree Saved By A Tree"

5 Lost And Found Treasures Of Art (24 pics)

"When branches or roots from different trees are in prolonged intimate contact, they often abrade each other exposing their inner tissues, which may eventually fuse. This process is called inosculation, a natural phenomenon in which trunks, branches or roots of two trees grow together. It is biologically similar to grafting. Such trees are referred to in forestry as gemels, from the Latin word meaning “a pair”."

"Burial Monument Masterpiece In Bronze Of The Calcagno Family. Created By Adolpho Appolini 1904. It Resides At The Staglieno Cemetery In Genoa Italy"

6 Lost And Found Treasures Of Art (24 pics)

"Amazing Mosaic Street Patches"

7 Lost And Found Treasures Of Art (24 pics)

"Branch Sculptures By Bob Verschueren"

8 Lost And Found Treasures Of Art (24 pics)

"Carved Stone Chain Link Column Dating Back To 1106. Found On The Facade Of The Collegial Saint-Lazare D’avallon In France"

9 Lost And Found Treasures Of Art (24 pics)

"Antique Iron Bat Shaped Lantern. Said To Have Hung In Front Of A Cabaret In France Late 1800’s"

10 Lost And Found Treasures Of Art (24 pics)

"Lead Pencil Carvings"

11 Lost And Found Treasures Of Art (24 pics)

12 Lost And Found Treasures Of Art (24 pics)

"Snake Bridge On Macclesfield Canal On Atsbury. England"

13 Lost And Found Treasures Of Art (24 pics)

"1400 Year Old Ginkgo Tree Located In Xi’an China That Draws Thousands Of People Each Year From All Over China"

14 Lost And Found Treasures Of Art (24 pics)

"The golden leaves start falling around mid November, turning the temples ground into a yellow ocean. This particular tree grows next to the Gu Guanyin Buddhist temple in the Zhongnan Mountains. The ginkgo tree, also known as the maidenhair, is sometimes referred to as a living fossil because despite all the climate changes, it remains unchanged for 200 million years. It’s a living link to the times dinosaurs ruled the planet."

"This Is What Happens When You Mix Star Wars With Alcohol"

15 Lost And Found Treasures Of Art (24 pics)

"Detail Of The “Green Man” 1200’s Ad. Early Gothic. Bamberg Cathedral. Germany"

16 Lost And Found Treasures Of Art (24 pics)

"Water Current Directing Drain In A Steep Slope In Taiwan. Almost Like Intentional Street Sculpture"

17 Lost And Found Treasures Of Art (24 pics)

"Fidele The Most Famous Dog In Bruges. Fidele Was A Famous Dog And Tourist Attraction In Bruges, Belgium"

18 Lost And Found Treasures Of Art (24 pics)

"The yellow Labrador Retriever lived at the Cote Canal bed and breakfast with his owner Caroline Van Langeraet. He could usually could be seen lounging half-asleep on a windowsill facing the Groenerei canal."

"There Are 950 Species Of Sea Urchins That Inhabit A Wide Range Of Depth Zones In All Climates Across The Worlds Oceans"

19 Lost And Found Treasures Of Art (24 pics)

"Giant Cactus In Oaxaca Mexico"

20 Lost And Found Treasures Of Art (24 pics)

21 Lost And Found Treasures Of Art (24 pics)

"Worlds Largest Diameter Tree In The World. El Arbol Del Tule"

22 Lost And Found Treasures Of Art (24 pics)

"(Spanish for The Tree of Tule) located on the church grounds in the town of Santa Maria del Tule in the Mexican state of Oaxaca. It was originally believed to be several trees but DNA tests have proven it’s one tree. The age of the tree is unknown but is believed to be 1200 to 3000 years old."

"Dinosaur Being Delivered To The Museum Of Science. Boston Massachusetts 1984"

23 Lost And Found Treasures Of Art (24 pics)

"All Of Use Who Grew Up Using Pink Pearl Erasers In School Remember Drawing, Mutilating, Stabbing, Pulling On, Breaking Throwing And Shredding These Erasers In Class. A Great Stress Reliever. Great For Everything Except Erasing. And The Smell…"

24 Lost And Found Treasures Of Art (24 pics)


№1 Author: EngineerAl (2 Jun 2023 16:57) Total user comments: 497

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#1 Sleek, but how does it turn?

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