A Little Bit Of Good Deeds (19 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 2 Jun, 2023  |
  • Views: 1819  |
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1 A Little Bit Of Good Deeds (19 pics)

“A Reddit stranger drove 2 hours and used his drone to recover Meadow, who was lost in the woods for 10 days.”

2 A Little Bit Of Good Deeds (19 pics)

“My dad rescued this fawn that our dogs had cornered. It walked away shortly after as if nothing had happened.”

3 A Little Bit Of Good Deeds (19 pics)

“A man helps a homeless person with a broken wheel.”

4 A Little Bit Of Good Deeds (19 pics)

“My cousin was fishing on the river and rescued this deer who was so tired, he was starting to drown.”

5 A Little Bit Of Good Deeds (19 pics)

“This gem of a human feeding the stray cat at my apartment complex and giving him an umbrella since it’s raining.”

6 A Little Bit Of Good Deeds (19 pics)

“Cooper has not been able to play with our next-door neighbor’s dog, Lucy. My husband will lift Cooper up just so he can say hi.”

7 A Little Bit Of Good Deeds (19 pics)

“Thankfully I saved this little guy from my lawnmower today.”

8 A Little Bit Of Good Deeds (19 pics)

“My boyfriend saved this duck. This fabric was wrapped around his body. A hero in both mine and the duck’s eyes.”

9 A Little Bit Of Good Deeds (19 pics)

“Not cold enough to take one, but it made me smile.”

10 A Little Bit Of Good Deeds (19 pics)

“Construction workers at the mall made ramps for the ducklings.”

11 A Little Bit Of Good Deeds (19 pics)

“Saved this sweet thing from getting smooshed in the road.”

12 A Little Bit Of Good Deeds (19 pics)

“Saved this guy as he was trying to escape a dingo. He is completely deaf, blind in one eye, and walks with a limp.”

13 A Little Bit Of Good Deeds (19 pics)

14 A Little Bit Of Good Deeds (19 pics)

“I saved this chipmunk from drowning in my pool this afternoon. He was shivering badly, so I got him a towel.”

15 A Little Bit Of Good Deeds (19 pics)

“My wife, rescuing a Gopher Tortoise from a construction site. One of the many hats she wears as an Environmental Scientist.”

16 A Little Bit Of Good Deeds (19 pics)

“I rescued these 2, twice.”

17 A Little Bit Of Good Deeds (19 pics)

“I saved this little squirrel but my cat wasn’t very pleased...”

18 A Little Bit Of Good Deeds (19 pics)

“Two baby squirrels fell out of my neighbor’s tree when I was working in the yard, I put them in a safe spot nearby and played some baby squirrel cries on YouTube, within a minute the momma came to the rescue.”

19 A Little Bit Of Good Deeds (19 pics)


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