Nostalgic Things (17 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 30 May, 2023  |
  • Views: 2214  |
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And Nabisco Saltine Crackers that also came in tin containers (OK, so a lot of things came in tin containers):

1 Nostalgic Things (17 pics)

Delicious, delicious Tang that came in glass jars:

2 Nostalgic Things (17 pics)

And the special Tang pitchers they sold for it:

3 Nostalgic Things (17 pics)

Roller skate keys that were essential to making sure you got the skates to fit:

4 Nostalgic Things (17 pics)

Band-Aids that came in tin containers:

5 Nostalgic Things (17 pics)

Life magazine, which seemed like every family you knew had a subscription to:

6 Nostalgic Things (17 pics)

Suitcases before they had wheels — which meant you felt every single pound you put into it while carrying it:

7 Nostalgic Things (17 pics)

Colored toilet paper that usually coordinated with the color of the bathroom:

8 Nostalgic Things (17 pics)

And crocheted doll toilet paper holders that also coordinated with the bathroom:

9 Nostalgic Things (17 pics)

Rotary phones that took forever to dial a number and weighed, like, 10 pounds:

10 Nostalgic Things (17 pics)

Pop-up telephone books that made looking for a friend or family member's phone number easier:

11 Nostalgic Things (17 pics)

Fancy ashtrays that were part of the decor in people's living rooms — and there would be multiples of:

12 Nostalgic Things (17 pics)

Cake saver travel carriers that made sure that homemade cakes reached the potluck, birthday party, house party, or BBQ without a scratch on the Crisco frosting:

13 Nostalgic Things (17 pics)

Ambrosia salad, which was served at every summer get together:

14 Nostalgic Things (17 pics)

S&H Green Stamps and the books you or your folks would put them in:

15 Nostalgic Things (17 pics)

Banks when they were completely open with, like, no security, did bank giveaways, and were closed on the weekends:

16 Nostalgic Things (17 pics)

Woolco Department Stores, which was Woolworth's bigger and nicer sister store:

17 Nostalgic Things (17 pics)


№1 Author: shridharan mudraboina (30 May 2023 09:59) Total user comments: 2

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Nice blog and thanks for sharing information.

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