Cool Finds (20 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 17 May, 2023  |
  • Views: 3098  |
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"Cool bike repair equipment on a bike path"

1 Cool Finds (20 pics)

"This vintage calculator is transparent so it could be displayed via overhead projector"

2 Cool Finds (20 pics)

"My husband got me a bouquet of mushrooms"

3 Cool Finds (20 pics)

"My All Black Cat Had Five All White Kittens"

4 Cool Finds (20 pics)

"The comparisons used on this construction site for falling objects"

5 Cool Finds (20 pics)

"The wearoff from the cashiers shoes at this shops checkout"

6 Cool Finds (20 pics)

"These fresh Sesame Balls were so hot they started melting dents/holes in their styrofoam container"

7 Cool Finds (20 pics)

"I put a green leaf into resin 6 months ago and now it’s brown and silver"

8 Cool Finds (20 pics)

"Neighbor hangs umbrella off the side of the building to block the sun"

9 Cool Finds (20 pics)

"Light looks like donkey from shrek"

10 Cool Finds (20 pics)

"Some birds built a nest in one of my relative’s grill, while it was still closed"

11 Cool Finds (20 pics)

"The inside of a Coke Freestyle machine"

12 Cool Finds (20 pics)

"Skinniest house in America"

13 Cool Finds (20 pics)

"The key fob for the new Hyundai Ioniq 6 looks like the Hyundai logo"

14 Cool Finds (20 pics)

"Months of paint buildup"

15 Cool Finds (20 pics)

"This double sliced piece of bread that allowed me to have two hot dogs at once"

16 Cool Finds (20 pics)

"Found a lizard incubator in my in-laws outlet box"

17 Cool Finds (20 pics)

"I found a Honda engine in the middle of the woods"

18 Cool Finds (20 pics)

"The way this person balances pizza boxes on their head"

19 Cool Finds (20 pics)

"I painted rainbows on my client’s hair today"

20 Cool Finds (20 pics)


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