Time Changes Everything (19 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 26 Apr, 2023  |
  • Views: 1063  |
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“I’m finally retiring my old laptop.”

1 Time Changes Everything (19 pics)

“A magic eraser after washing 450+ high school desks next to a new one”

2 Time Changes Everything (19 pics)

“The same shoes, one year after walking 14 miles per day as a USPS letter carrier”

3 Time Changes Everything (19 pics)

“This key was used so much that another hole had to be drilled into it.”

4 Time Changes Everything (19 pics)

“My father-in-law has been using this shaving brush for nearly 40 years.”

5 Time Changes Everything (19 pics)

“Finally decided I needed to replace my bike tire.”

6 Time Changes Everything (19 pics)

“I wore the plastic retainer on the left for 2 years.”

7 Time Changes Everything (19 pics)

“A teacher whistle after nearly 30 years of use”

8 Time Changes Everything (19 pics)

“Replacing vacuum nozzles at my car wash”

9 Time Changes Everything (19 pics)

“This backpack has been used for 2 years of high school, 4 years of college, and every day of my 9-year teaching career so far. Going strong!”

10 Time Changes Everything (19 pics)

“The 30-year-old dishwasher I got for free 5 years ago, still in daily use and refuses to die.”

11 Time Changes Everything (19 pics)

“I’m still using my grandma’s 1940s egg poacher for my morning breakfast.”

12 Time Changes Everything (19 pics)

“Wedding gift circa 1977. This old school crockpot may outlive me!”

13 Time Changes Everything (19 pics)

“I purchased this bottle in my boy scout days. I’m 37 now.”

14 Time Changes Everything (19 pics)

“This thing has been on 24/7 for close to 4 decades at this point.”

15 Time Changes Everything (19 pics)

“My work boots after 20+ years of home renovations and a few mosh pits.”

16 Time Changes Everything (19 pics)

“This gooseneck-lamp my grandma gave me. I’m pretty sure it’s from the 1940s.”

17 Time Changes Everything (19 pics)

“My friend’s grandma uses her old box TV set as a stand for her plasma TV.”

18 Time Changes Everything (19 pics)

“My aunt’s coffeemaker from 1988, used nearly every day since”

19 Time Changes Everything (19 pics)

Credits:  brightside.me

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