Fascinating Discoveries (19 pics)

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  • 5 Apr, 2023  |
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“A coin I found today”

1 Fascinating Discoveries (19 pics)

"It’s a 1361 Edward III quarter noble. Pretty awesome find, congrats"

“I found this while using my metal detector. It’s not magnetic, doesn’t spark when grinding.”

2 Fascinating Discoveries (19 pics)

“It was bronze cast in the Bronze Age. I donated it to the museum for further tests.”

“I don’t know what is going on. I’m shocked, amazed, and stupefied.”

3 Fascinating Discoveries (19 pics)

"What a find if it checks out to be a Cartier gold bracelet. It definitely would cover the cost of your detector."

“My husband found his first gold ring today. It’s stamped 18K.”

4 Fascinating Discoveries (19 pics)

"Not to be a downer, but it reminds me of a ring I found a few months back. That one was also marked “18K,” but I did an acid test and it wasn’t real gold."

“Week 2 of metal detecting! I found a class ring. I’m in contact with the owner to return it. The ring was in the ground for 42 years.”

5 Fascinating Discoveries (19 pics)

“Roman tweezers I found in Norway. One of my oldest finds, and it’s not broken! 2,000 years in the ground in a field!”

6 Fascinating Discoveries (19 pics)

“I found this 10K moose ring at a camping lake.”

7 Fascinating Discoveries (19 pics)

“A skull ’pirate ring’ I found in Germany today”

8 Fascinating Discoveries (19 pics)

“It has taken me 4 years now of this awesome hobby to have just about filled my cabinet.”

9 Fascinating Discoveries (19 pics)

“I took my nephew metal detecting for the first time, and this is what he found. Of course, I let him keep it all.”

10 Fascinating Discoveries (19 pics)

“My father-in-law found this on the beach. A Spanish coin believed to be 1500/1600.”

11 Fascinating Discoveries (19 pics)

“I just pulled this from my yard in Maryland. It beats the 200 roofing nails I usually dig up.”

12 Fascinating Discoveries (19 pics)

“Beach hunt a couple days ago.”

13 Fascinating Discoveries (19 pics)

“I’ve no idea what I dug up today. Looks like big scissors or something.”

14 Fascinating Discoveries (19 pics)

"They’re sheep shears"

“My first valuable find. Tiffany necklace with silver chain and gold and silver rings. I was super excited to pull this up today!”

15 Fascinating Discoveries (19 pics)

“My first gold diamond ring!”

16 Fascinating Discoveries (19 pics)

“What is this? I think it’s bronze and it’s probably Roman.”

17 Fascinating Discoveries (19 pics)

"It’s the handle from a small hand mirror."

“I found this in the woods. Any ideas on age and what it’s made of?”

18 Fascinating Discoveries (19 pics)

"Some kind of an elaborate necklace pendant possibly."

“Last Saturday I was contacted by a woman who had lost a pair of earrings and a wedding ring that had been in her family for over a 100 years.”

19 Fascinating Discoveries (19 pics)


№1 Author: randomdude735 (5 Apr 2023 02:41) Total user comments: 510

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Okay.... I'm 57. I'm getting a freakin metal detector!! Its time!

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