Bad Days Happen (26 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 4 Apr, 2023  |
  • Views: 1685  |
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"So I walked outside this morning to get into my loaner car (my car is in the shop after an accident) to run some errands…"

1 Bad Days Happen (26 pics)

"Went to a "tulip festival" with almost no tulips"

2 Bad Days Happen (26 pics)

"Just bought a screen protector for my phone and when I opened it this was inside."

3 Bad Days Happen (26 pics)

"Subway delivery forgot all salads and sauces."

4 Bad Days Happen (26 pics)

"My sister made me this mug 20 years ago. It’s survived 8 moves. Today, my room mates cat decided to wake me up by knocking it off the table. Pictured: guilty party."

5 Bad Days Happen (26 pics)

"My dad pulled his nails/screws/bolts drawer in his woodshop out a little to far today."

6 Bad Days Happen (26 pics)

"Imagine finding this after a long day of school"

7 Bad Days Happen (26 pics)

"When you fall up the stairs and break a railing."

8 Bad Days Happen (26 pics)

9 Bad Days Happen (26 pics)

"We've all been here"

10 Bad Days Happen (26 pics)

11 Bad Days Happen (26 pics)

"Someone left their gas cap at the pump."

12 Bad Days Happen (26 pics)

"Something happened to my calculator today"

13 Bad Days Happen (26 pics)

"My dad was repairing the toilet and his knee slipped"

14 Bad Days Happen (26 pics)

15 Bad Days Happen (26 pics)

"Tried to make pan pizza, just set my kitchen on fire."

16 Bad Days Happen (26 pics)

17 Bad Days Happen (26 pics)

"Dog ate my new AirPod Pro 2s within a couple hours of them arriving."

18 Bad Days Happen (26 pics)

"Picked up a plate with pasta and broke in the air without any reason"

19 Bad Days Happen (26 pics)

20 Bad Days Happen (26 pics)

"I Adopted a cat! Found out I’m very allergic to cats…"

21 Bad Days Happen (26 pics)

22 Bad Days Happen (26 pics)

23 Bad Days Happen (26 pics)

24 Bad Days Happen (26 pics)

"Building had a pipe burst last night"

25 Bad Days Happen (26 pics)

"Took a phone call, sat up in bed, looked at my watch to see what the date was, only to find the screen had completely come off."

26 Bad Days Happen (26 pics)


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