People Tell Which Actors They Hate (17 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 28 Mar, 2023  |
  • Views: 1645  |
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1 People Tell Which Actors They Hate (17 pics)

"Jared Leto. The only exception is American Psycho when Patrick hacks him to death."

2 People Tell Which Actors They Hate (17 pics)

"Lena Dunham"

3 People Tell Which Actors They Hate (17 pics)

"Will Ferrell"

4 People Tell Which Actors They Hate (17 pics)

"I cannot watch anything with Jennifer Lopez in it. Even before reading about how she treats people, I could never find her sympathetic, even in lighthearted comedies. She gives off threatening bully energy and that just evaporates anything funny or relatable."

5 People Tell Which Actors They Hate (17 pics)

"Tom Cruise. Can’t stand him. And the fact his tooth is centered in his mouth freaks me out."

6 People Tell Which Actors They Hate (17 pics)

"Shia Labeouf

I’ve watched movies with him in it and tried to be objective and ignore my hatred for him and I still get annoyed when I have to see his stupid face and his stupid mouth speaking."

7 People Tell Which Actors They Hate (17 pics)

"Elizabeth Moss. it’s almost like the church of scientology is stronger than nepotism. it’s even more ironic that she’s in handmaidens tale….."

8 People Tell Which Actors They Hate (17 pics)

"Will Smith now. Previously watched everything he ever did."

9 People Tell Which Actors They Hate (17 pics)

"Chris Pratt. He just annoys the hell out of me."

10 People Tell Which Actors They Hate (17 pics)

"Julia Roberts. She is not even a shadow of a decent actor and she is worshiped by the press and Hollywood."

11 People Tell Which Actors They Hate (17 pics)

"Mark Wahlberg – Big douche energy"

12 People Tell Which Actors They Hate (17 pics)

"Amy Schumer"

13 People Tell Which Actors They Hate (17 pics)

"Ezra Miller. “We Need to Talk About Kevin” is the only one I will watch with him. The performance is so authentic because he was an actual budding violent psycho."

14 People Tell Which Actors They Hate (17 pics)

"Zooey Deschanel, the look at me I’m so quirky attitude just reminds me of too many people and it cringes through my bones."

15 People Tell Which Actors They Hate (17 pics)

"Gwenyth Paltrow. She can’t act and she’s a con artist with her Goop products."

16 People Tell Which Actors They Hate (17 pics)

"Kevin Hart. I just don’t find him funny and skip all of his movies, even though it seems like there’s a new one every week"

17 People Tell Which Actors They Hate (17 pics)

"Jesse Eisenberg.

Don’t like his face."


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