Annoying Roommates (19 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 24 Mar, 2023  |
  • Views: 2045  |
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“Caught my roommate making a ’cheese wrapped pickle.’”

1 Annoying Roommates (19 pics)

“I live with 2 grown men. Just tell me why.”

2 Annoying Roommates (19 pics)

“I didn’t know this was a problem growing up in a house with 3 men and a mother. Now that I live in a house with 3 women.....”

3 Annoying Roommates (19 pics)

“I live with monsters.”

4 Annoying Roommates (19 pics)

“My in-laws (who live with us) leave a trail of open cabinets, doors, windows, food containers, you name it, in their wake.”

5 Annoying Roommates (19 pics)

This had to be planned... but why?

6 Annoying Roommates (19 pics)

“Roommate decided it was a good idea to put an incense cone on the lid of my telescope. Went right through and landed on the mirror.”

7 Annoying Roommates (19 pics)

“It’s a small thing, but really? I spent so long cleaning this kitchen. :(”

8 Annoying Roommates (19 pics)

“Y’all wanna see my ex-roommates air fryer?”

9 Annoying Roommates (19 pics)

“Roommate knocked over my $1,000 bike that was on a kickstand in the garage and just kept driving over it.”

10 Annoying Roommates (19 pics)

“Roommate and her boyfriend left this for us after making 3 AM chili. Thanks! All of the dishes were previously clean.”

11 Annoying Roommates (19 pics)

“Roommate used my favorite turtleneck as a BBQ rag last night.”

12 Annoying Roommates (19 pics)

“Not even the worst it’s been. Just annoying because I cleaned the stove last night before bed and woke up to this.”

13 Annoying Roommates (19 pics)

“Roomy just moved in. No prior relationship. Day one and all he’s unpacked is this. Making me a little skeptical... do I address it?”

14 Annoying Roommates (19 pics)

“My roommate throws all of his garbage in a corner because he wants to ’recycle it’ later.”

15 Annoying Roommates (19 pics)

“My new roommate takes eggs out at random.”

16 Annoying Roommates (19 pics)

“This is my roommate’s aquarium filter. It smells worse than it looks.”

17 Annoying Roommates (19 pics)

“Went in here to flip a breaker and really wish I hadn’t. I can’t wait to get away from this house and this roommate. I can smell it from the hallway now.”

18 Annoying Roommates (19 pics)

“I’m living with monsters.”

19 Annoying Roommates (19 pics)


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