Interesting Thoughts (24 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 20 Mar, 2023  |
  • Views: 1739  |
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1 Interesting Thoughts (24 pics)

"One silver lining of being poor is that your chances of dying in an avalanche are significantly lower."

2 Interesting Thoughts (24 pics)

"Even if we would have gotten a letter from Hogwarts, our parents would have never believed it was real and let us travel to London to run against a wall. We never had a chance."

3 Interesting Thoughts (24 pics)

"It will be quite complicated when you have to explain to the tax authorities that a genie granted you a wish for a billion dollars."

4 Interesting Thoughts (24 pics)

"2111 will be the first year since 1777 with no holes in any of its digits"

5 Interesting Thoughts (24 pics)

"People act like Japanese adverts are weird but we are the really weird ones for having boring commercials"

6 Interesting Thoughts (24 pics)

"Our brains are hard-wired for survival, yet they have no issue with letting us daydream while driving a multi-ton death machine"

7 Interesting Thoughts (24 pics)

"Babies become wireless when they are born."

8 Interesting Thoughts (24 pics)

"We’re slowly growing up to become the adult we needed the most as kids."

9 Interesting Thoughts (24 pics)

"Eventually, all smokers will buy a lighter that won’t die on them."

10 Interesting Thoughts (24 pics)

"Your only goal in life is to create as much dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin and endorphin as possible."

11 Interesting Thoughts (24 pics)

"Once millennials become senior citizens, there will be a lot of Nintendo 64 birthday parties"

12 Interesting Thoughts (24 pics)

"For some reason, every toaster has a bread setting that will absolutely roast whatever bread is in it."

13 Interesting Thoughts (24 pics)

"The majority of life is doing something you don’t want to do for X minutes so that you can do something you do want to do for X minutes"

14 Interesting Thoughts (24 pics)

"The older generation often hold the younger generation in contempt despite spawning and raising them. The younger generation often hold the older generation in contempt despite deriving most of their knowledge and values from them."

15 Interesting Thoughts (24 pics)

"In the future, looking back at Google Street View from 50 years ago will be a fascinating glimpse into the past."

16 Interesting Thoughts (24 pics)

"Humans are the only large mammals on earth that don’t have their population controlled by hunting"

17 Interesting Thoughts (24 pics)

"In the distant future, historian’s are going to struggle to know what’s real and what was AI generated"

18 Interesting Thoughts (24 pics)

"Socks and shoes are kind of like carpet and floor, just attached to your feet instead of the ground."

19 Interesting Thoughts (24 pics)

"The voice in your head is always the same volume"

20 Interesting Thoughts (24 pics)

"The Universe is a maximum security prison."

21 Interesting Thoughts (24 pics)

"At some point, the whole Universe was at perfect temperature to cook Pizza."

22 Interesting Thoughts (24 pics)

"Younger generations aren’t going to know the excitement of finding cash you forgot was in your clothing"

23 Interesting Thoughts (24 pics)

"A kiss is technically a headbutt, just not a violent one"

24 Interesting Thoughts (24 pics)

"Maybe plants are farming us, they give us oxygen and when we die we feed them"


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