This is what the Hindenburg looked like while it was under construction:
This is what the world's tallest man, Sultan Kosen, looks like next to his wife:
Originally from Turkey, Sultan Kosen stands 8'3" tall.
And this is what his hand looks like holding a can of Pepsi:
This is what the inside of a water tower looks like:
Looks like the water in that one scene in Titanic.
This flag, from 1850, is one of two original and authentic Jolly Rogers in existence today:
Hmmm. Much less intimidating than I would have thought.
This is what the host of Jeopardy's podium looks like during a show:
In the hours after he died, a bronze death mask was made of Napoleon Bonaparte's face:
This is what the biggest leaf ever found in the Amazon Rainforest looks like compared to a adult man:
And this is what the dining hall looked like on board the finished zeppelin:
Every king except for the king of hearts has a mustache:
This is what an extreme close-up of a needle looks like compared to an extreme close-up of a honeybee's stinger:
This is what a $500 bill looks like:
That's President McKinley's smiling face. Although these bills were printed close to 100 years ago, on the extreme off-chance you find one of them, they are still legal tender.
This is the oldest picture of the White House ever taken:
It was taken in 1846.
This ridiculous looking thing is one of the many prototype space suits designed for NASA:
This one was designed at UCLA in 1961.
Some flashlights have SQUARE BEAMS:
This is what the inside of the Statue of Liberty's face looks like:
This is Venus of Brassempouy, the oldest carving of a human face ever discovered:
It was found in southern France and is over 25,000 years old.
This is what Stonehenge looks like from the road leading up to it:
And, finally, this is what's under a pool table:
This is what one prototype space suit designed for the moon exploration looked like:
It was designed in 1960 by Republic Aviation Corporation. As you can see, it's roomy enough to let you wear your best tie while collecting moon rocks.
Unfortunately, there's no treasure map on the back of the Declaration of Independence. Just a lot of nothing:
An entirely new chamber was discovered in the Great Pyramid of Giza literally last week. This is what it looks like:
The Great Pyramid was built over 4,500 years ago. No one has been in this chamber since then.
This is what the world's oldest soccer ball ever found looks like:
It dates back to the 1500s and looked like Frankenstein's monster.
In 1994, a 9GB drive cost over $4,000:
This tea chest is one of two surviving chests from the Boston Tea Party back in 1773:
Look at that nice little flower design. Couldn't be me throwing that into a harbor.
This is what a paint stirrer used consistently for 10 years looks like:
Up until 1994, Crayola Crayons' copper-colored crayon had bronze powder in it, causing it to turn green over a long period of time:
Frogs can be very, very, very, very, very tiny:
And screws? Well, screws can be absolutely gigantic:
This one is meant for mounting solar panels.
Using a public toilet in ancient Rome was a real bonding experience:
This is what the bathroom situation might have looked like. Very relaxing and cool!
There have been some really terrible and really out-there amendments proposed to the US constitution:
Honestly, "The United States of Earth" goes hard. You can read more about them here and even order yourself your own pocket constitution for free.
It's possible to get a 2x4 from the center of a tree:
Although, that's not what you want. It's the weakest and oldest part of a tree.
If a burn is bad enough, dirt will not stick to it anymore:
This is the largest cemetery in the world, Wadi Al-Salaam Cemetery in Iraq:
There are over 5 million people buried there.
This is what a "modern" tomato looks like next to a tomato grown with 150-year-old seeds:
This set of 52 playing cards, dating back to the 1400s, is the oldest surviving example of a full deck of cards:
Pens... pens can write a whole lot of words:
This ancient comb contains the earliest known sentence written in the world's first alphabet: