Interesting Infographics (38 pics)

  • Category: Pics  |
  • 2 Mar, 2023  |
  • Views: 4922  |
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1 Interesting Infographics (38 pics)

2 Interesting Infographics (38 pics)

3 Interesting Infographics (38 pics)

4 Interesting Infographics (38 pics)

5 Interesting Infographics (38 pics)

6 Interesting Infographics (38 pics)

7 Interesting Infographics (38 pics)

8 Interesting Infographics (38 pics)

9 Interesting Infographics (38 pics)

10 Interesting Infographics (38 pics)

11 Interesting Infographics (38 pics)

12 Interesting Infographics (38 pics)

13 Interesting Infographics (38 pics)

14 Interesting Infographics (38 pics)

15 Interesting Infographics (38 pics)

"The Bruise Spectrum"

16 Interesting Infographics (38 pics)

17 Interesting Infographics (38 pics)

18 Interesting Infographics (38 pics)

"A Logarithmic Map Of The Entire Observable Universe"

19 Interesting Infographics (38 pics)

20 Interesting Infographics (38 pics)

"Mythical Beasts Of Wales"

21 Interesting Infographics (38 pics)

22 Interesting Infographics (38 pics)

23 Interesting Infographics (38 pics)

24 Interesting Infographics (38 pics)

"The Size And Location Of The Great Pacific Garbage Patch"

25 Interesting Infographics (38 pics)

"80% Of Deaths Of Children Under Age Five Are Preventable"

26 Interesting Infographics (38 pics)

27 Interesting Infographics (38 pics)

28 Interesting Infographics (38 pics)

"Predominant Ancestry Of Population"

29 Interesting Infographics (38 pics)

30 Interesting Infographics (38 pics)

"Everything That's Owned By Amazon"

31 Interesting Infographics (38 pics)

32 Interesting Infographics (38 pics)

33 Interesting Infographics (38 pics)

34 Interesting Infographics (38 pics)

35 Interesting Infographics (38 pics)

36 Interesting Infographics (38 pics)

37 Interesting Infographics (38 pics)

38 Interesting Infographics (38 pics)


№1 Author: CASIO (2 Mar 2023 01:27) Total user comments: 321

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#5 I'm not a fan of American militarism but some one who made that infographic forgot that the standard of living people in USA currently have is the effect of the global efforts of the US forces stationed almost everywhere and the whole NATO pact.
And cutting the funding means no money for maintenance and upkeep of secret services and care of, for example, nuclear-powered ships.
Just a flaw in logic that aggravates me.

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